Inktober 2016 - Part 2 (herbivores :) )

in #art7 years ago

Dear visitor,

If you recognize this post because you saw this blog, welcome back! If not; I want to show you some inkdrawings, because of this self-challenging 'contest' called Inctober.

I gave it my own twist, to make it educative for myself. I lack experience with horses, so there they are.

With this drawing, one of my pens was running out of ink (that's what the line in the top says).


In the text next to the drawing I criticize the drawing. It says (in Dutch): A lot of corrections, supporting lines, and crying in a corner further, I have the feeling I am a tad bit levelled up in the anatomy of four-legged, noble, working-animals. Except for a few mistakes I drew all the shadow-lines in the same direction. I think I was thinking about cow's legs too much for success in horselegs...

Oh, and the horse says 'hi'.


And because cows are fab:


Thanks for visiting, I hope you like it and come by another time!

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