The Immovable Lady of the Sea - artwork and story by @mariandavp

in #art8 years ago

Τoday's office art is about life's only real constraint; time.

One way or another we are all aware of time and its importance in the pursuit of happiness, whatever happiness may mean for each one of us.

Some people may feel they got little time and this perception to motivate them to work harder in order to achieve their goals, others may feel that the little time they have in their hands should be invested in enjoying the moment. These are the main human attitudes, which people may adopt in their lifetime.

However, many many years ago a girl was born that had a defect; she couldn't comprehend time. Growing up was very difficult for her. Her parents usually thought she was moving too slow and forced her to move faster. In order to please them she would try to walk faster but since she only understood the difference between slow and fast as a difference in the sequence of movements, she wasn't acting natural and ended up with a dozen of cuts and bruises every time. In school she faced the same problems with reading and writing, and when she was a grown up lady she messed up in relationships too. Her boyfriends would leave her either because she seemed uninterested or because she was too interested. All she wanted was to be happy, like everybody else.

She wanted to feel loved, to have companionship, to feel she can influence people in a positive manner. Unfortunately everything she did, to the rest of the world seemed out of tune. She pushed everyone away.

For many years she tried to cope her defect but the only time of day she would feel somewhat tranquil was during her evening walk by the sea. She would walk every day after lunch and until the sun went down, which was her long stop sign.

One day, one difficult day of suffering by another rejection, she didn't pay attention to the sun. She found herself lost in the dark. She panicked. Where was she? She walked even further away from home seeking for someone to help her or any sign to guide her. Who knows how far she had gone until she saw a small church on the top of a mountain overseeing the pelagos. Light was coming out of its windows so she had to climb the mountain up to it. Maybe someone was in there. So she did.

It was a hard way up. She only had the moonlight and her dedication to shine upon her steps. She finally reached the church, exhausted and terrified. What if she had made a terrible mistake? What if no one was in there? How would she get back?

Hello! Anybody in? she shouted a couple of times but got no response. Carefully she placed her ear against the door hoping to hear someone moving in the church. Νothing. She had no choice. She put her hand on the rusty metal handle and pushed the old door open.


As she opened the door, thousands waves of white light flew out of the church and caressed her. Τhe light iluminated the church, the sky and her soul.

It was a miracle she could not explain. It was as if this light shined in her mind and helped her comprehend time. But the time she was introduced to was not a time that ends. It was eternal and cyclical. It renewed and transformed itself every day and every night following the same pattern with the sunlight and the moonlight. Time was a cosmic energy and she was just a particle of time helping it transform. She understood time in the exact opposite manner of humanity.

She fell on her knees in the middle of the church and prayed to this energy to become her companion. Time heard and made her its Queen. The Queen would bear forever the light as her crown and become timeless to mankind.

People named her the Immovable Lady of the Sea because to them she looked like a female shaped mountain with a small orthodoc church on the top. But the Queen of Light lived and breathed and was happier than ever. Finally she was loved and admired and attracting people from all over the world who would happily dedicate their time to meet her.

2017-08-29 18.08.06.jpg

[Some photos from the process]



2017-08-29 18.08.06.jpg


Beautiful artwork and fascinating story! Resteemed.

What are the rock faces in the water? The many faces of her rejections sinking with time passing by?

Thanks so much @heroic15397! Yes pretty much... I was thinking the faces of her personality as it evolved from time to time. Each face is looking towards a different direction.

really! really!! i learnt something to this post.that's is being yourself and not to kill yourself by imitating other people.thanks for this wonderful article .upvoted

Ι am really happy you found your meaning in my post, thanks so much for reading!

Touching story and beautiful artwork. We want more posts from you <3

You are awesome @trumpman thank you for your support!


Thank you my dearest 😘

click here!This post received a 2% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @trumpman! For more information,

That was such an emotional story! The girl who finally got the love she deserved, the love she craved for all her life!
I loved both the story and the painting! In fact, I think this is my favorite painting of yours so far! :)

Τhank you very much sweet @ruth-girl 🌹🌷 It is just a drawing though, pens and highlighters☺

Well, sometimes it's simple things that "speak" to you.
Keep creating beautiful stuff! :)

Thank you for sharing
you have my upvote
Keep smiling, reading, writing and voting!!!

Τhank you very much!! Bless you 😊

Very beautiful and educational story :)

Thank you @federico77, glad you liked it!

Very beautiful piece of art work...thank you for sharing

Thank you for viewing @kev7000!!!


So captivating, I think she "self discovered" herself and lived the life she kept chasing all her life. Great that you shared!

Thank you very much @gigpen for reading. Indeed I believe it is self discovery and acceptance of the broader picture that help us approach happiness.

Beautiful artwork as always @mariandavp

Very kind as always @digitalking! Thanks!

nice story and awesome art work, i appreciate it, thanks for sharing

Ι appreciate your support, thank you!

We still learn from life, we must be able to move with the best step, we still have to try, fight with passion.

Indeed dear @husaini, we need to keep walking up that mountain.

I enjoy your drawing. Thanks for sharing.
If you aren't busy, lets see my page.Awesome art my friend @mariandavp

Thank you! Will do!

Wow .. a very good story with words that touch and classy, ​​I do not know what to say besides asking for permission to resteem your writing..

And, I'm really like it, your great work of painting stunning pictures ... thanks for sharing :)

Ι am flattered, thank you very very much!

You are welcome @mariandavp

That's wonderful @mariandavp

Thank you mr. @avtzis.petros 😉

This is beautiful, the writing, the painting, the background is magical. I love it.

Thank you very much @siucatti, I am really happy you liked it!

Very beautifull Miranda. Just want to see more Posts And your work. Thx

Thanks very much Ron, I appreciate your encouragement!

Very impressive picture. It shows that you have a big fantasy and you are very creative!

Thank you @olgy-art, glad you think so!

Perfect invention!

Μany many thanks dear Νiko!

Time is what stimulates most of us to enjoy the little time we have here. If you don't believe in a higher being then it is good to see life as a gift to you as you have been given the opportunity to leave your imprint on the world. You live in a small time frame compared to the existence of the Earth and I'd say to cherish that time which others could wish they had. As we grow old it will feel as if life just went by in a flash.

I love the story behind this piece of work. So enthralling and it makes me grateful of how much. Having a companion in life is a fundamental thing for happiness. It may be with friends or family but for some it may be nature.

The more people you have in your life the happier you will feel. Another amazing piece of artwork @mariandavp

Well said @arckrai...we live in a small timeframe compared to the existence of the earth, well said! Thank you very much for your views and support!

This is a very beautiful post. And so I almost hesitate to make a criticism. But I guess you know that I am going to anyway :-)

"Τoday's office art is about life's only real constraint; time."
I have to disagree. Available energy is also sometimes one of life's really serious constraints if one has an aim. Especially when one has not achieved much wisdom until later in life, when available energy is declining.

"One may know what needs to be done, but one may not have the energy to do it." John G. Bennett

I partly agree this is why I bring energy into the story in the end, but it is the energy of the soul that moves us towards enlightenment and happiness while Mr.Benett is talking more likely about the energy of the body (I think) which most people focus on. But in any case you cannot deplete energy without putting time into the equation...

I like your criticism @onceuponatime, it is a good opportunity for dialogue. After all everything is a matter of perspective!

I am pretty sure that Mr Bennett is speaking of energy for the spiritual quest. It (energy) is generated first by the body through food intake and digestion, then refined by breath and then by conscious perception, service and sacrifice. Energy needs to be first generated and then refined and accumulated in order to pursue a spiritual aim.

Yes, most people focus on energy of the body. However it is commonly leaked out in wasteful pursuits and activities rather than refining and accumulating it for the journey of the soul. But it all begins with the body either way.

Although I honestly have no idea if what is truth or not, I tend to believe the exact opposite. The soul, if it exists and forms our spiritual energy, it existed before our body comes into life and will exist after our body is no longer around. But who knows anyway.

Have you found anything in yourself that will survive death? We must create something that can survive death for our onward spiritual journey (back to Source). And, like you, I do not know - but that is my working hypothesis :-)

agreed with you @onceuponatime :)

Keep up the good work.Another very creative painting, @mariandavp

Many thanks for the encouragement @mphil!

You are welcome

Amazing talent :)
Thank you very much for this workart
Full resteem!

Wow thanks for that 😘

Time inhibits an equilibrium effect. It gives and it takes but it must be embraced.

Beautiful portrayal of time in this painting. The colorful contrast from night to day is mesmerizing.

Wow, great piece, @mariandavp! I love the contrasting colors here. I used similar colors in this original painting I just posted!


amazing paintings @mariandavp, you are a great painter, all your paintings are very beautiful

An art that contains a very deep meaning, thank you for sharing it

Your stories encourage me in their searching nature. A kind, caring soul seeking peace and a way to serve finds a home and a purpose. I always finish the tales with a smile, and this one is no different. The lovely artwork adds to the beauty of it all.

Today first I saw some work from you. Perfect done and nice writen. I will follw you to see much more. Impressive! Keep this up. Thanks and have a nice day.

You are a creative Women ...

Good job! ,Upvoted! ^ ^

Ill be happy if you would check my work of art ^ ^

beautiful art work there :)
take care madam, and hope to see more of good art :)

If Dali saw this he would be jealous. Absolutely stunning.

are you design with your hand i read some where pictures are explained
everything yes pictures are explained everything.Just need little focus

True, focus is needed when it comes to interpreting a work. I am glad you stopped by!