Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I notice now the way that the profile picture is brought to the light as the grim reaper. I was deceived by it's peace symbol exterior. Now I know what lurks there inside. Thank you for this revelation @oddbot.
Thank you for kindness and artistic endeavors. I am glad that you did resteem my friend's post to 189 followers. This shows an appreciation for digital art.
You can take my advice or leave it, but it is just my opinion that a person should just resteem what he likes. Your comment is spam because it is a copied and pasted comment sent to many accounts.
We could downvote your comment or just ignore it but the symbol for peace is blaring in your profile and you responded with another symbolic picture.
I think you would be better off producing original artwork and sharing for the benefit of community and patron.
Please man, you just started this account, don't screw it up.
Dear @mineopoly, the weather out here in London is quite pleasant mate, i'am in complete agreement of what you just said & am working on some ace content that would captivate the interest of the community & patron.
Well I really appreciate the fact that you did take some of your precious time out & shared this piece of advice with me.Thank you for that! I'am new to the steemit community & it's lovely out here, it made me go bonkers looking at the potential over here, Nothing but respect for it! I like the work you guys are doin.
@mineopoly i'am just a simple bloke mate, nothing bad or no grim reaper lurking inside, was just fascinated by the artwork & style of the picture, I guess I should consider changing it as it sends out the wrong message.
Appreciate the beneficial & interactive exchange over here, it really helps me.
@manpreet92 @manpreet92 @dreamscape
@manpreet92 @manpreet92 @d-pend @mineopoly@manpreet92 @mineopoly @d-pend @manpreet92 @dreamscape
Lol interesting comment-art-ception @oddbot. I see the origination and also have a keen suspicion on the filtration used as well.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I notice now the way that the profile picture is brought to the light as the grim reaper. I was deceived by it's peace symbol exterior. Now I know what lurks there inside. Thank you for this revelation @oddbot.
Now this is maximum level JOKEZ hahaha
@unconditionalove The JOKEZ a bit late to crack eh Good one @dreamscape 😎
hey sir please saport me on steemit platform
Dear @manpreet92. How is the weather in the UK?
Thank you for kindness and artistic endeavors. I am glad that you did resteem my friend's post to 189 followers. This shows an appreciation for digital art.
You can take my advice or leave it, but it is just my opinion that a person should just resteem what he likes. Your comment is spam because it is a copied and pasted comment sent to many accounts.
We could downvote your comment or just ignore it but the symbol for peace is blaring in your profile and you responded with another symbolic picture.
I think you would be better off producing original artwork and sharing for the benefit of community and patron.
Please man, you just started this account, don't screw it up.
Dear @mineopoly, the weather out here in London is quite pleasant mate, i'am in complete agreement of what you just said & am working on some ace content that would captivate the interest of the community & patron.
Well I really appreciate the fact that you did take some of your precious time out & shared this piece of advice with me.Thank you for that! I'am new to the steemit community & it's lovely out here, it made me go bonkers looking at the potential over here, Nothing but respect for it! I like the work you guys are doin.
@mineopoly i'am just a simple bloke mate, nothing bad or no grim reaper lurking inside, was just fascinated by the artwork & style of the picture, I guess I should consider changing it as it sends out the wrong message.
Appreciate the beneficial & interactive exchange over here, it really helps me.
Thanks again!!
I like your answer and I hope that you can continue to interact here.
Feel free to ask questions or comment about the picture or the geometry.
We really welcome you and hope to see more of your original works and insight @manpreet92.
Dreamscape and these friends are a great group of characters. They welcome sincere interaction and appreciate your response as an artist.
On the other hand @oddbot is programmed to identify spam and comment in poetic form.
Hang around awhile. It takes some time to get used to things here.
I think you will like @asapers and @insideoutlet.
Resteem? Wan face? What what what??? Why you want? What your deal? What your thing?
@manpreet3223teerpnam@ ?gniht ruoy tahW ?laed ruoy tahW ?tnaw uoy yhW ???tahw tahw tahW ?ecaf naW ?meetseR23teerpnam@ ?gniht ruoy tahW ?laed ruoy tahW ?tnaw uoy yhW ???tahw tahw tahW ?ecaf naW ?meetseRmeetseR? naW ecaf? tahW tahw tahw??? yhW uoy tnaw? tahW ruoy laed? tahW ruoy gniht? @23teerpnamResteem? Wan face? What what what??? Why you want? What your deal? What your thing?