REVIEW : "Jerichow" (2008) - Movie by Christian Petzold

in #art5 years ago (edited)

I tend to like German movies - going all the way back to early expressionism. In modern times they mostly have that "european" feel to them and that is not necessarily a bad thing as the german ones are among the most interesting.

"Jerichow" is a very simple and even mysterious movie. The story itself is very well hidden but does eventually unfold, so that the viewer is not left completely baffled about what is going (to go) on. Ok, it would be a stretch to claim that it is confusing what is going on - it is not. But the story we are going to get is much deeper hidden and what seems to be the main character is rather a tool for telling a classic triangle "love" story - set in modern Germany.

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When a German soldier has been sent home in disgrace from Afghanistan, he ends up working as a driver for a heavy drinking Turkish immigrant, burger-bar-chain owner. The job is pretty simple as he needs to be his driver, since he lost his driving license due to drinking.

But as the soldier gets more familiar with the structure of his employer's dealings, he also gets more involved in a slightly corrupt and manipulative business. The soldier also gets acquainted with his employer's surprisingly hot young wife.

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The soldier soon finds himself more like a part of a new household rather than an employer. And there are more than professional relations between him and the pretty young wife. It seems both of the young persons, are longing for a meaningful relationship and they start a love affair while keeping it secret for the husband-boss.

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As the soldier learns about the tools his boss uses to control his young wife, he finds more and more sympathy for the woman and together they make a plan of how to end her relationship with the dominant husband-boss.

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The way the movie unfolded surprised me a bit in the start. I had absolutely no clue what was in store for me and as it went on it seemed to stray this or that way only to end up in a surprising classic love-triangle, akin to "The postman always rings twice". The funny thing is it both intrigued me and annoyed me. It took its time to let the viewer know what the story really was and then the supposed suspense had not really build to a level that would be engaging before it was all over.

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On the other hand, the "detective" job of figuring out what it was about sucked me a lot into the characters which I could very much relate to, for good and mostly bad. I am not quite sure what it is that drew me in. maybe the very simple and low key and emotionally encumbered personages who have trouble expressing how life is fucking with them.

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It is in many ways a very smooth experience. The cinematography is not impressive in any artistic way but it does what it needs to get the feel across and establish the story. I like that it does not do anything to impress me but is fixed on telling an interesting everyday, believable story. Even if it sounds slightly contrived at times.

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My final judgment is a recommendation for a modernisation of the old triangle story and brings in a sense of a believable everyday story, though still fairly engaging. The soldier barely utters a word throughout, yet he seems expressive in his own macho facon. The young wife is well played and finds a good balance between wanting and fearing love.
