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RE: A cross section of Daniel Lopatin and/or vaporwave

in #art2 years ago

I think you've given a great overview of the vaporwave genre and its origins, and I agree that Chuck Person's Eccojams Vol. 1 was a seminal release in the genre. I can see why some people might find the music to be derivative or simplistic, but I think there's a lot of beauty and depth to be found in its use of nostalgia, sampling, and electronic manipulation.


Yeah Vaporwave is a pretty crazy realm, I might go further into describing and sharing some other stuff, maybe share some videos of my own :) It's crazy to know that people all around the world have experienced what I am talking about. I guess we are all just one people living under the sun at the end of the day after all, and it is really a small world! Na Zdrowie @malos10 😎