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RE: King of Nowhere Rules Nothing

in #art6 years ago

I'm trying to relate the drawing with the first photo. I suppose the drawing is the head of that on the first photo, is it? You have a very good and creative imagination to have come up with such creature (or deity) but I can't figure out what it is. What kind of deity is it? I thought it's a dragon-shape but I'm not sure...


you are correct :D The drawing I have done is just a close-up on his head and neck.
He's a deity who was summoned to bless the land with water, but the ceremony that brought him into this realm was incomplete. As such, he has appeared as a nascent, half-formed creature who is constantly shifting and changing it's shape. He has no solid, 'real' form to settle into :] He is nothing, with the potential to become anything.

He is nothing, with the potential to become anything.

Now that's scary. If I have to hide from it then I would never know if that is him or a different ghost. 😃