...there is an option 4 to.....(it's a'goody', and I'm an optimist!).
Post coming later...(I'll link to you ?- or copy paste parts ?)- You've saved me a lot of time 'laying the other stuff out'.(pre 'option 4')
...there is an option 4 to.....(it's a'goody', and I'm an optimist!).
Post coming later...(I'll link to you ?- or copy paste parts ?)- You've saved me a lot of time 'laying the other stuff out'.(pre 'option 4')
Thanks for the shout out on your post.
I've been saying trump is zionist puppet for four years now and if he turns out to be playing them all this time he was sucking israel's dick he is the greatest whore in history and I will worship him and eat humble pie.
But I won't mind because I'll be so happy!
I want you to be right, but still am far from convinced you are.
I want you to be right, but still am far from convinced you are.
Me neither, matey, I can assure you - but that's not the point.
I think this sums my position up pretty well...
I will remain optimistic.
It's a logical choice. (demoralization being a weapon used against 'us')
Think of it this way ...
1) We are correct, and it's all good -so best be positive and contribute as best we can.
2) It's another psi-op and we are fucked. In which case, might as well stay in a good mood for as long as possible before we're marched off to the gulags or get 'active'.
It's win / win bet... and only an idiot refuses a win win bet...
Yeah I agree, and I'm doing it too - if we both know that what we are doing is a rational tactic not some deep certainty, I am onboard
Oh, I can be scarily rational.
(I just choose to let my emotions run riot - life's more fun that way)lol