MONOCHROME is the use of only one color, but in this project the chosen color is black the sum of all color frequencies. The colored layers that add up create a grayscale that enhances the lines and contours of the flower. Like a lithograph, the flowers show their texture, from the gray come out the characteristics of the flower, like the veins and the details of the pistils.
The images were taken with a digital camera with 16 Mpixel that I was 8-10 years ago. Despite the poor quality compared to today's digital, I am satisfied about the result, and I am increasingly convinced that the quality of a photograph is not obtained only with the equipment, but above all with our sensitivity. Our irrational part can see beyond the technique, see in the plot of the image and highlight the messages that interest us, present everywhere. Some images were then processed with solarization and control of exposure values.
By a print "Explosion of flowers"
By a print "Explosion of white flowers"
By a print "Fantastic texture"
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Facebook Image by @Luca Brogi Fotografo