YAY!!!! Thank you so much, I think this will help my disposition around certain faux-lumberjacks!! So just know you are contributing to society in a really great way!
Also, I am betting folks would love tutorials on your special effects work, with behind the scenes and how-to's.
Haha- I haven't been around here lately- I just saw you did recently post a tutorial- yess!
Ahaha!!! Thank you : )
Yeah I want to try and make at least a couple of tutorials a month. I like to focus more on practical effects because for digital ones there are already a ton on YouTube and much better than anything that I could do : )
Even the term tutorial is out of place in my case, since most of the times I have no clue of what I’m doing.
Haha I am well aware that being a professional in the film industry can just mean that you aren't afraid to try and learn as you go along- at least that's very much what my career has been like.
I like seeing your practical effects! Keep 'em coming!
We’ll do! : )