I used The Gimp (free software that's similar to Photoshop) to open the vectorized logo image, as Flame Painter doesn't know that file type. When I opened it, it asked what resolution to set it to, with a rather small one as default, so I increased it by 4x.
Then, I saved it as a .PNG file, and then opened it in Flame Painter.
Actually that was for the previous one -- for these, I had to inverse the transparency. Not sure how I did that, I had to look it up. Also, I made all three of the wavy lines black, so there'd be no blue showing through (some trial-and-error, here). Then I loaded it in Flame Painter.
From there, I created a new layer, and then put the new layer underneath the transparent layer. Then I painted flames, and they only showed through the three parts of the logo. I did multiple layers of flames, using glow and blur at different levels on each layer.
Finally, I used glow and blur on the original image layer, and that's what made them look "rounded". Really liked how it came out! And, they looked so much like bananas that I did that next. :)