Both computers I have 2nd hand and probably 10 years or older. However, I'm one of those people who loves to give life to broken or discarded things. I love finding or giving worth where others have discarded. I guess I am treasure hunter at heart.
How's your progress bar doing? =D
One is fine (any 2d stuff is getting done at a reasonable pace when I have the time to sit and try to concentrate) and the other is stalled (I'm not very good at rigging and have been fighting with a prehensile tail since I did actually have this nutted out to some value of nutted out but then the rig I was using updated and my modifications broke XD).
Wow you're brave O_O and good XD Computers are one thing I always get new; seeing as all I do is digital art the second hand ones don't survive nearly long enough.
I guess for me it is like those backyard mechanics that pick up some old bomb of a car and rebuild the thing. Naturally I dump what ever OS I find on these things and install Linux. You can get far more use out of the old machines that way. You can even make very old hardware usable with some distros specifically built for such uses.
BTW, did you see some one is starting up a Blender blog / channel here on Steemit?
Yep it's one of the TA guys, @angusg. He's pretty cool :D
If you're picking up second hand machines like that it's probably much safer to do that than try to salvage whatever's on there :O