Howdy Janton! Sounds like you have lots on your plate! Well you are the man of the house, what can you do! LOL!
Anyway, these are truly stunning paintings and I especially love the "Navajo Girl". She reminds me of photos of vegan kinds I see online holding animals. I know she wasn't vegan back than, but if she had a choice she would be. She clearly loved animals. As most children do.
Oh, and get that book on ebay fast before is gone, lol.
Howdy Miss Lena! Yeah, those jobs I had to do Mrs. J wouldn't touch either one! lol. The attic is about 130 degrees this time of year, or 55C and she can't handle any kind of plumbing work. lol. Oh that reminds me, when I was talking to the air conditioner repair guy he said he burned his hands on a job the other day.
He said it was 145 degrees or 63C, in the attic and when he grabbed a metal part to pull it out it was so hot that it burned his hands! Not hot from running but hot because it was 145 degrees in the attic!
I'm so glad that you liked the paintings. Yes that little girl was precious. I'd like to have large prints of both of those some day!