Abstract Fantasy! My new wallpaper for Steemians. Enjoy ;)

in #art9 years ago


Today I decided to create something different. I like abstract pictures. So I decided to create one.
It is the desktop wallpaper which I've created. They are high resolution, so you can use them on any desktops.

This one I called "Abstract Fantasy". Hope you like it!
Everything from idea to final renders was done by myself.

This is absolutely exclusive, only for Steem users.

Feel free to use them as you wish!

Fantasy01 (1920x1080)

Fantasy01 (2560x1440)

Fantasy02 (1920x1080)

Fantasy02 (2560x1440)

Here is the screenshot of my working process


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Follow me @lebedev


Very nice art! It seems like my lovely colour

Thanks a lot, man