-¿Estas nerviosa mi angelito? -preguntó el padre amorosamente
-Un poco papá. Sabes que soy algo tímida
Así se despedía de su hija temiendo los retos que afrontaría en su nueva escuela. Era una santa para su padre, un ejemplo de inocencia arrojada a un mundo feroz de fieras salvajes. Así la veía su padre. Ella, cabizbaja, pensaba en lo mucho que su padre la cuidaba. Esta era ya la cuarta escuela que visitaba. De las tres anteriores la echaron. Su padre lo creía una injusticia...
Ella se despidió con un beso, y de soslayo dejó escapar... una pícara sonrisa.
Are you nervous my little angel? the father asked lovingly
-A little dad. You know I'm a bit shy
So she said goodbye to her daughter, fearing the challenges she would face in her new school. She was a saint to her father, an example of innocence thrown into a fierce world of wild beasts. That's how his father saw it. She, crestfallen, thought about how much her father took care of her. This was already the fourth school I visited. Of the previous three they threw her out. His father believed it an injustice ...
She said goodbye with a kiss, and out of the corner she let out ... a mischievous smile.
...tell me if you liked it...
I like it , thank You :-)