Yellow, yellow green, blue, light blue, purple, pink and light pink Aurora.
Aurora is in a green sky.
Aurora circles and encompasses us.
Yellow, white, blue and red Stars.
See Stars above Aurora.


For this painting, I used wood because I got a nice one from big garbage day in Nova Scotia, Canada. First, I painted it green and drew Aurora. Every year, during this garbage day collection, people prepare furniture and stuff and then leave it outside. People go garbage hunting with big pickup trucks. Actually, you might find very rare antique stuff if you are lucky. Everybody looks very happy to exchange our unused stuff with each other. I like to recycle and reuse. When I moved to Canada from Japan, I had to give up almost all of my stuff because we couldn't bring it but I found some very nice furniture and stuff through very reasonable recycle events, buy and sell sites, garage sales or big garbage day. Of course, I am careful to not pick up too much stuff or to not collect bad energy!

素敵な絵ですね✨リサイクルは私も好きですが、確かに色んなエネルギーがくっついていたりしますよね😅 ヒノキの蒸留水の洗剤で拭くとマイナスのエネルギーが払拭されていきます🎵