I cashed in Steem, plans for the Appalachian Trail, and body painting a Maxim model!

in #art8 years ago (edited)

Why I turned my Steem into $5,000 USD

And one very big announcement!!!

As some of you may already know I will be leaving this coming April on a 6 month" hike" across 14 US states. Covering around 2,180 miles along the Appalachian Trail! Starting in Georgia and ending in Maine, I am planning on blogging throughout my entire trip HERE ON STEEMIT ONLY. But not just stories and photos, ART! All of the breath taking scenery, exotic flowers, towns, historic sights, animals and faces of those I meet I will be recording through my ART. Then, sharing it all here with you! I will be drawing and painting along my entire trip!
Now, if you can imagine it's not going to be cheap to be unemployed for 6 months, and the gear I will need. Oh, and the fact that I have teenage daughter to support all the while.
So, here's where cashing in some of my Steem came in.
Have you ever heard the saying "It takes money, to make money." well, its true.
Thanks to the Steem I cashed out the means to attain the final pieces of gear I will need to make this dream and journey a reality! And I am SO STOKED!
I also want say to all you new Steemers is legit!
Please follow me during my adventure! Your support it humbling and great company!
...So once again thank you Steemit, and to all my followers xoxo!

P.S. ..Some big news...

Tomorrow I will be BODY PAINTING Maxims 2013 home town hottie, and best friend Molly Martin,
so keep an eye out for that post...It's going to be a lot of fun Also, ....

I will be giving away more FREE ART, so look out for a post on my next call for inspiration and get you submissions ready!

And last but not least I have 2 new posts I've been working on, related to food and edible plants I will be sampling on the Appalachian Trail...ive tried a few and it was interesting to say the least lol



I think society should look down on women that try to get by in life with looks because at it's base, it's really just a primitive game to try and exploit men for resources - the path of least evolutionary resistance in natural selection - so a man would be wise to stay as far away from women like that as possible.

Having said that, you seem to have more talent due to the art skills, enough looks, and bigger tits than the model, so it's weird looking at posts like this seeing two women try to quantify a social hierarchy based on looks, then form a division of labor to determine whose life has more value and which one should get paid for people to...look at them while the other gets shafted.

TLDR: Why does the model get paid more than you to just stand there and do nothing when you have more talent? lol

  1. My looks have nothing to do with anything lol... Its about Art
  2. Yeah she's beautiful God made her that way, and shes also my best friend so I'm comfortable painting her. Yes, she happened to get voted Maxims home town hottie, its like prom queen its fun, and Lord knows looks don't last forever. She's an amazing seamstress with her own bathing suit line, AND she makes and sell Jewelry. So by no way is she "using" men to get ahead. OH and she's only 23 I might add. Way more ambitious than I was at that age. So don't be so quick to judge.
  3. She's not getting piad and I might not either. We are doing this for fun and to share ART.
    ....Thanks for keeping it positive. :)

“Something is wrong here. War, disease, death, destruction, hunger, filth, poverty, torture, crime, corruption, and the Ice Capades. Something is definitely wrong. This is not good work. If this is the best God can do, I am not impressed. Results like these do not belong on the résumé of a Supreme Being. This is the kind of shit you'd expect from an office temp with a bad attitude. And just between you and me, in any decently-run universe, this guy would've been out on his all-powerful ass a long time ago. And by the way, I say "this guy", because I firmly believe, looking at these results, that if there is a God, it has to be a man.
No woman could or would ever fuck things up like this. So, if there is a God, I think most reasonable people might agree that he's at least incompetent, and maybe, just maybe, doesn't give a shit. Doesn't give a shit, which I admire in a person, and which would explain a lot of these bad results.”

Lord knows looks don't last forever

More power to her. She has to use it while she has it. We men have more options as we age. No need to be jealous of a 23 year old strutting her stuff. She'll eventually be burdened with the financial responsibility of children. Women have a difficult balancing act. My only concern would be that their kids have some stability. But heck I was raised by gypsy parents who moved every 6 months. I guess it turned out okay, but maybe that was due to my really great grandparents who came from the WW2 generation (pre Elvis Presley when shaking your leg on TV was a blasphemy). I know times a changin'.


And thanks for sharing a Maxxim model with us. Just wish we could have seen a few more closeups of her to know her personality better. Modelling poses don't really let me see the personality (not that I am against the one her laying on the deck mind you, lol).

Its about Art

I vaguely remember glancing at your earlier blogs and I had the impression you were blazing rebel trails in terms of art. You seem hardcore far out. I don't really know how to describe it but not Jane the girl next door. Yet we see also in this blog your parenting side as you mention your daughter.

I find people interesting. Each one is unique. Wish I had more time to know all of them.

I kinda agree, BUT men can exploit ladies with $$ and looks too...it works both ways. It's not my money here anyway, it's just my votes. :-)

@r0ach they aren't exploiting us. We are shopping.

I think that's a shitty response for numerous reasons. Male & female relations are a zero sum power game. If you approve of that female behavior, it's the equivalent of putting them up on a pedestal saying their life is more important than yours. Paradoxically, the female considers that behavior of acknowledging them as desirable as indicating you to be a "beta male", lowering the value of your worth further.

It's a case of - if you give women an inch, they will attempt to take a mile. You can never ever subsidize bimbo behavior, because at the end of the day, the sole purpose of bimbo behavior is to attempt to try and extort resources from the male. That and it's other purpose is to try and get multiple males to fight to the death over the woman as a "prize" to serve a natural selection function.

By buying into this nonsense and subsidizing bimbo behavior, you're essentially decreasing your own lifespan and resources in the process. This means men should collectively shun bimbo behavior as unacceptable as the only logical move when the alternative is entirely negative for society.

The bimbos eventually start to amass a significant amount of resources from exploitation, but these are unproductive resources. It's like the difference in giving a billion dollars to Bill Gates versus Anna Kendrick. One might do something to push civilization forward, or stop it from imploding at the very least, while the other is just going to use it to subsidize bimbo behavior even more, hastening the collapse of civilization.

Ummmm...I'm pretty sure there's a study somewhere on how unhappy people die sooner than happy people.

Or is it unhappy men die sooner?

Being an ex-bimbo and a blonde, it's hard for me to remember factoids.

It is all an evolutionary game. Females typically (but maybe not all) need someone around to help pay the bills and raise the kids, and all the while they'll also be vulnerable to any bad boy alpha who offers a genetic upgrade. They are selling and we are buying, unless you are alpha then they are buying. The alpha has more options than time. So as I said for most men, we are shopping and they are selling. If your in the friend zone, they are only renting with limitations. It is just a fact of how evolution works. If you are alpha, you wouldn't complain.

Ah I don't spend more than 1% of my resources on a female, ever since I was taken to cleaners in my ignorant youth. And I found I get higher quality this way too. The more you spend, the more beta you are by definition. If you are wealthy, then 1% can be quite a comfortable life for her.

Btw I also believe one can have a passionate, caring, meaningful relationship and still not be her floormat.

Also don't let images fool you. Even the model who looks to have a bad ass snob attitude, it's just facade. There is a women behind that facade who is will be weak for her bad boy toy.

I agree with you in some ways. Its annoying for us intellects to have a "dumb blonde" who has an IQ of 2 have a post worth $15,000 standing in her bikini. However, not all really good looking women are clueless. Some actually do have brains and use them.

If you were so smart that you were a $billionaire, you wouldn't give two fucks about $15,000. Wouldn't even reach down on the road to pick it up.

Maxium = Maxim?

HA! Oops operator error...thanks for catching that...little tired on this end. xoxo

I can't help but copy-edit as I read ;)

No it's great! Thanks for looking out, I'm the worst -lol

Hi ho Kate ;)

I believe in Steemit, I believe in You!
Good afternoon, I want to invite you to support my post dedicated to my dream and development and good advertizing of community of Steemit! I want to make the balloon on which I am going to visit many large cities and to place the logo and the slogan Steemit on it.
Support me and I will support you!
URDL : https://steemit.com/steem/@vdoh/rise-steemit

I will check it out!!

I can't imagine hiking that far! Wowsers.. What an awesome trip!!

I can't wait! Its going to be a lot of fun and pain I'm sure lol

Looking forward to your body painting artwork with your friend.

Exciting news! You've gained a new follower! What do you plan to paint on your friend?

Thanks! Happy to have gained your friendship! I have two things I'm going to try maybe more if we have time...I don't want to spoil but 1 thing I'm going to try is to camouflage her into a background !

Maybe you could add a "where's Waldo" sort of thing ---except that it would be "where's steemit"...
just sayin'.

Congrats on making some money on here, I hope that you make what you need for your whole trip, it sounds like you will.. Good luck!

Thank you! If it does that would be amazing, if it doesn't I'm thankful for what it's done for me so far.

Hope you are not budgeting with the assumption that Steemit can continue to fund you? There is no guarantee Steem will be around for 6 months.

No, but hopeful.

Well, here's another bubble-popper! Thanks for discouraging all of us who hope this is around for a long time!

Ned- is that you?

No. The success rate of altcoins cross-product with success rate of social network startups should be instructive to us that the chance of failure is extremely high. We do have a first on a blockchain, so that might be of some statistical advantage. But note Napster was first.

I have extra concern for the future of Steem(it) because of the problem with the voting rewards algorithm. But any way, none of us can know the future. Cheers.

Wow I admire you for taking this journey. I have never hiked before but it sounds wonderful. I hope that you and your daughter have an amazing time filled with beautiful memories and lots of safety. I can't wait to see your art, for I love all forms of art. You just may inspire me to take my own leaps. Thanks and xoxo back to you :-)

Oh hiking is something I've been doing since I was a young girl. I grew up in the Cascade Mountian's of Washington State, and I highly recommend you try sometime. Maybe not something as big as the AT, start small like hiking out to a local waterfall, it will give you a form of serenity you can't get anywhere else! Fresh air, the calm of the woods, the gimps of wild animals, the smells ...its good for the soul.

Following. I look forward to your writings as you hike the AT. I've done several section hikes over the years and the section before Harpers Ferry known as the rollercoaster was probably most difficult. I wish I could take the time off to make the entire hike. The best I can do is live it through journals written by people like yourself. Good luck and enjoy!

I hear ya, I have a few friends who were wanting to go too but the work thing...not many places will let you off for a window of time like that. Its a shame really. It'll be a wonderful life experience, and should i survive my hopes are to hit the Pacific Crest trail after. I grew up in Washington state and originally that was the trail that started all this. I just live closer to the AT these days. But, I'm glad I will be able to share it with you! Don't stop writing me, I will be on that journey alone aside from anyone I meet. My followers will keep away the lonely.

I'm sure you will do fine. The community on the trail is supper friendly and we look out for each other. And it will be challenging. Every time I'm out I learn something about myself. My only advise really is to get a trail guide book and figure out what you can live without to keep that pack light.

I look forward to your amazing story.

Me too!!! :)

Hey, you're a very pretty girl, I wish you good luck!

Take my vote a little dolphin :)

Why thank you friend!

Can we get a live coverage of the body painting? :D

There will be coverage I promise :)

Good luck with the body paint, looking forwards to that post!! Thank you for sharing.

Wow that sounds like quite the trek you are embarking on

For sure...walking through 13 of the 14 original colonies...national parks, and 14 states...gonna be a doosy

Awesome, i live in Europe but i love watching AT thru hiker videos on youtube.
Hope you have lots of fun :)

Can you hook me up with your friend? haha only kidding... Kind of :)

You plan to blog while hiking the AT. Please consider the security of that. You will likely be informing followers of your exact (remote) location. This might include every deranged pervert in 14 states.

I'll be waiting for that Appalachian Trail post! :)

I hope you don't find any grizzlies, but if you do I hope you can draw them too :)

Awesome, it is good to see that Steemit is legit.
Im happy i found it :D
