Understanding Formal Analysis " Elements of Art"

in #art7 years ago

                                                              7 Elements of Art 

Elements of is the building blocks used by artists to create a work of art. 


 Line is a mark with greater length than width. Lines can be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal; straight or curved; thick or thin.  


The shape is the closed line. The shape can be geometric, like squares and circles or

organic like free-form or natural forms. Shapes are flat and can express length

and width. 



Forms are three dimensional shapes expressing length, width, and depth. Balls,

cylinders, boxes, and pyramids are forms. 


Space may be the particular area between and around things. The space around items is generally

Called area that is negative, negative space has form. Area can also refer to the

The sense of depth. Real space is three-dimensional; in artistic art, once we create

The impression or feeling of depth, we call it room.


The colour is light reflected off of items. Color has three faculties which can be primary hue

(the title associated with colour, such as red, green, blue, etc.), value (just how light or dark itIs), and intensity (how dull or bright it is).

• White is a light that is pure black is the absence of light.

• Main colours would be the only true colours (red, blue, and yellowish). All other

colours are mixes of primary colours.

• additional colours are a couple of primary colours mixed (green, orange, violet).

• Intermediate colours, often called colours which are tertiary are made by combining

A primary and colour that is additional. Some situations of intermediate

colours are yellowish green, blue-green, and violet that is blue.

• Complementary colours are located straight across from each other on the

colour wheel (an arrangement of colours along a diagram that is a circular show

How they are associated with the other person). Complementary pairs contrast

Simply because they share no colours which can be common. For instance, green and red are

Complements, because green is made of yellowish and blue. When complementary

colours are mixed, they neutralize each other to help make




The texture may be the area quality that can be thought and seen. Textures can be, or that is rough

Smooth, hard or soft. Textures never always have the genuine way they appear; for example,

A drawing of a porcupine might look prickly, however, if you touch the drawing, the

paper continues to be smooth.


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