A while back I had a storefront over at Society6... it's a pretty decent place, but I just wasn't seeing the kind of sales or interest as other venues (like here, for instance)... so I shut down the store...
One piece of mine out performed all the rest, and I'm posting it here...
Originally a pencil drawing, I then scanned and added design elements (yes, that is a custom brush in the shape of Slave 1, his ship) in photoshop...
You can get a print of it here
As always, everyone... THANK YOU!
This community has some of the most supportive, awesome people...
You guys seriously rock!!
I resteemed :)
Thanks a billion!!!!!
Nice one! Well rendered and great use of photoshop to enhance an already good drawing.
Aren't they making a Boba Fett movie with all these Star Wars spinoffs? I've lost track!
Thank you so much! Yeah, there's rumors... I think they'd be better off with a Boba Fett film than the Han Solo one...
They'll be milking it until everyone last character from the mos eisley cantina has had a backstory!
Oh yes! I can NOT wait for the music documentary on the cantina band... THOSE GUYS RAWK!
Oh yeah, they should do a Spinal Tap style mockumentary! That would be worth seeing.
Weird fact of the day: The style of music they play is called "Jizz"
I.... Ummm... I did not know that. Interesting.
The more you know!
Jizz. I guess it's space jazz in a galaxy far far away.
I love this kind of stuff. Great work!
Thank you so much!
This is amazing! Great work!
Thank you!
Awesome. Well done!
Thanks :) !
Upvoted and resteemed.
Cool! Thank you very much!
That's is awesome!! I like how you care for small details and I'll be glad to hear your opinion about my work here is the link and hope you'll enjoy it ;)
Hey thanks a lot! I'd love to check your work out! :) I will leave a comment on it
thanks my friend and don't hesitate to follow me cause more of my work is coming soon ;)
Sounds good! Followed! :)
thanks followed too
oooooh! I love how you use aggressive texture, break borders and overlap elements to create a sense of dimensionality in this 2D composition. Striking - excellent contrast. its extremely captivating it caught my eye as I was scrolling down the blog feed. Super great work @joshuadavis
Thank you very much!
Great work!
Thanks a lot!!!
love the rendering and your style
Nice texture work, looks great! I've always wanted to draw some comics samples of a Boba Fett story. You may have sparked something. Btw, I am a new comic artist on here, do you know any other fine artists like yourself that I can get a link to?