It's time to get another round started of
Pixel Art Weekly!
I wanted a theme this week that left a lot of opportunity for the imagination to wander.
Took me a couple of cups of coffee to get there, but I think I've got a good one.
The theme for this week is...
(Images from pixeljoint and pinterest)

Always keep in mind that the theme is open to interpretation!

So there we go!
Get crackin!
~The Rules~
Welcoming all artists to participate in
Pixel Art Weekly
where your pixel prowess can win you
~Pixel art is a form of digital art, created through the use of software, where images are edited on the pixel level.~
If you are unsure about what defines pixel art, please check out this link....
Contests begin on Mondays, at which point the theme for the week will be revealed.
On Friday I will post the top 3 and allow steemit users to vote for the final winner.
Winners will be announced on Sunday and will be rewarded half of the SBD raised.
To participate, contestants must put their entry in the comments below.
Entrants must also upvote and resteem the post.
Tag any and all personal posts regarding your entry with
All entries must be original works of art.
Good Luck Everyone!!
Get Your Freak On Steemit

-- > My Post <--
My Entry:


300 %

As I know your Android hating app is going to notify you... Hit me up on discord please
I love this! I knew people were gonna refer to crypto mining.
Thanks 😊 It’s the obvious route. Though I did start out with a dwarf but it wouldn’t take.
Post with Full Process
This is my entry for this week! :)
You are my honorable mention and I'll be giving this a full upvote for your efforts.
thank you! :) best of lucks for the top 3
My precious~


4x (right click and open in new tab)

Will post the process later!
Very nice. Love the perspective change giving that '3d' feel
Was rewatching LOTR last night on Netflix then I saw this almost similar scene when Gollum was talking to his precious ring. That made me decide to join in at the last minute,hahaha
Here is the process.
Hello here my entry:


So... You're a about half a day late.
However, I love the effort.
Giving both this entry as well as your post 100% upvote.
Hope you try again next week.
I'll announce the new theme Monday.
Thank you very much, I appreciate it, next week I will be posting on time
This is so well made and animated! I love it, would have voted for this and it would definitely win!
thank you very much, it means a lot to me, thanks again but I present it a little late, next week I will try again
Heres my entry will write my process when i have time!
Time taken : 50 mins
Programs used : Aseprite + Photoshop
Canvas size : 196 px x 92 px
Process link
Love it man, your hitting your strides in creating a distinctive Style recognizable as yours.
Thanks man! <3
Glad we both made it in time! I couldn't even make a nice animation for mine because I was in a hurry to finish it.
You have till the end of the day.
Make any edits you want
Don't put yourself down too much over it, it's all good :D
I have a feeling we are going to get some good crypto mining ones this week!! Maybe I need to learn how to draw some pixel art!
Give it a try....draw some 7's mining silver. :)
I am going to need to watch some YouTube vids on this! haha
Be sure to include your silver stackers gang..... I see the 7 dwarfs behind you with pick axes mining silver.
The “cult”! Haha I’ve got to form something before I can create dwarfs of me!
Lol...yes!!! Your cult of Silver Stackers! Manifest them by creating some pixel art this week...next week actual little people show up in your back yard with pick axes ready to help mine you some actual silver....its all about manifestdestiny. Haha. :)
Your contest was added to Steemit Contest Compilation (19.02-25.02): Win free SBD and STEEM
Nice theme. Excited to see what these geniuses come up with!
Every time I see these cool examples I get so overwhelmed. I need to remind myself, if I join in, I won't have to compete with these crazy artists ☺
Gonna have to pass this one out! Unless there aren't enough submissions again. I love how this theme will be a meme gold mine!!!
Don't ever pass because you think you won to many.
@eqko @zneeke & @mynameisbrian have all top 3'd and won multiple times.
was going to enter again because there was only one entry, but when I woke up, it suddenly became quite interesting,haha, lots of good entries for this week! dont know if I could still make it in time
there's still a day left! I'm gonna fit something quick after work
I never understood why a Minecraft game is so successful
There must be something in those pixels, the simplest part of the picture.
To be fair Minecraft is not pixel art, it's voxel.
Similar in nature but one is 2d and the other is 3d
I am familiar with image editing apps, I think this contest is interesting, I will learn it
Lets rock and mine na haha . can i join
Of course you can.
You have like 24hrs though
add your insight and your useful postings, you are very well seen in profile picture and I am new member may I join or have a congregation with you ...?
Finished my entry :D Working on the post now ^^
"Mine" entry 😆 haha
Mining Steem in the Cave
Omg these are so insane. That floating island tunnel is really cool. Well, they are all pretty epic...
I'm an art like you to. i have a small steem account.
I want to work with you please help me and promote, up-vote my account.hi dear @jonny-clearwater i am toufqur rahman from bangladesh.
follow this link- https://steemit.com/@jonbee
what wrong sir ? please tale me sir.