Helloooo~~ fellow Steemians!
Sorry I've been a bit MIA lately, but life. you know. I have something kind of exciting for you today tho.
OMG I know, right?! haha
I'm also giving away 5 SBD to the entry I like best, plus 1 SBD for the 3 runner-ups, so bear with me. Or skip straight down to the "here's what I'm thinking" and then the "rules" part if you don't want to read my rambling. lol.
Bit of back story first:
So, I like to do this thing occasionally, where I go though my old art because
A) it's hilarious since I'm always amazed at how terrible I think my old stuff looks
B) it stirs up memories like crazy, I usually get this strange sensation of being "transported back in time" when I look at older stuff, because more than books or even music, my drawings take me back to the time it was created and I get this sense of who I was at the time and how far I've come, and sometimes even where I drew the thing or who was with me and what I was thinking. It's creepy and awesome.
C) it makes me feel good about myself because I can usually quite confidenty say "I can do so much better now."
Which is why, sometimes, I then redraw the same character and see how far I've come.
It helps that I pretty much keep everything and I even have a few drawings all the way back from when I was like 10. Serioulsy peeps, I recommend you never ever throw your old stuff away, no matter how shit you think it is, because there's nothing more confidence boosting than picking an old drawing and re-draw it a few years later. You really get to see your progress!
Which brings me to the theme of this challenge:

Initially, I was just going to post my drawing but then I thought "hey! This could be a cool drawing challenge!", so there you have it.
Here's what I'm thinking:
Dig out an old drawing of yours, preferally from at least 2 years back or more, and re-draw it with your new skill set! Whoop, whoop~~!
You can use any medium you like, traditional or digital; fan-art is also ok as long as it's labeled; it can be characters, landscapes, things, patterns, designs, whatever really. The only must-do in the drawing, is that it very clearly has to be recognisable as a "new version of the old drawing."
Which means you most definitely should also include a photo or a scan of your original version in the post. It doesn't have to be on the same canvas, like I did in mine, but it has to be in the post somewhere, so I can compare them.
I would also love it if you labeled your drawings with the date. It can be approximate if you never date your drawings (bad habit! get out of it!) but I want to know the approximate time gap. ;)

As you can see, I like to do this occasionally, which is why I already got an "in-between" version from 2004. I was 14 in 2002 and 16 in 2004.
Geezuz that was a long time ago. holy moly.
Also, I have now officially outed myself as "one of those who grew up with Manga and Anime and drew nothing else for an embarrasingly long time."
yeaaah…. that happened. And my drawings definitely still bear the influence of that. It's not "bad" exactly, it's just that, as a growing artist, one really shouldn't strive to copy a specific style rather than drawing lots of different things because it limits you like crazy and you never actually learn how to draw "properly" because the proportions are already massively caricaturised.
ANYWHOOOOO~~~ I hope you enjoy this anyway. I always get a kick out of seeing what I can come up with when I re-draw an old sketch. Sometimes it sucks, but sometimes it's pretty cool.
I think it turned out ok. I still can't draw feet and shoes. ugh.
I had to hange her hairstyle because… omg… late 90s, early 2000s much? with the fringe and the weird spikeyness going on in the back? What WAS I thinking? shivers ~
Oh wait, that's right, I was 14. Nevermind.
I am now passing the torch to you wonderful peeps!! Go forth and dig out those crappy old sketches and drawings that haven't seen the light of day in the last decade! (or less, of course, whatever you got lying around)
ze Rules ~
- The usual: Upvote & Resteem this post~
- Dig out an old drawing of yours & redraw with your current skillset!
- Indicate the dates of both your drawings, if you don't have the exact one for the old one, indicate roughly which year it was drawn.
- The "old drawing" has to be at least a year old, but preferably 2 or more since the effect will be greater.
- use #drawitagain in one of your tags, doesn't have to be the first one.
- Make a post with your entry and put the link (and thumbnail) in the comments so I can find it paleease!
- some adjustments in pose, clothing colours and composition are cool but it should very clearly be the same character / thing as in your old drawing. It needs to be recognisable ;)
- Any medium you want, traditional or digital, and it doesn't have to be a full on illustration, you can do a sketch too. It's about seeing your progress and having fun :D
- You have to have both the old and the new drawing in your post, otherwise what's the point? lol. And add a little backstory, if there is one. just make it fun ;)
- Fan art is fine too, but label it maybe ;)
- Deadline is a week from now, so just before post payout time
ze Prrrizezz~
- 5SBD to the winner
- 1SBD to the 3 runner ups (2nd, 3rd and 4th place)

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Hello everyone, here is my entry for @jillustrations's Drawitagain challenge:
And have a good day.
year 2005/ year 2018
ooooohhhhh soooo noiiiice! awesome sauce.
Here is the last minute submission :)
oh yaaay! you made it! <3
I know!! I was gonna post it earlier but then I really wanted to add the digital version. And I got sick, a new roommate was moving in etc etc hahahaha
Here's my entry! n_n

Hehehe n_n
Exciting! I am so in. Since I've recently been archiving my sketchbooks I've got tons of candidates for this one. Terrific to see you hosting a contest.
dynamos spinning up
Let's do this! Good Luck and Have Fun you guys ^^
whoohooo! I'm super looking forward to see what'll come out of it. yaay~ this'll be fun!
Here's my entry :)


Aww nice idea!
And great redrawings! :D
Hope you keep this contest up and running, because I want to enter as soon as I find some spare time! ;)
whoop whoop! I will, but probably by-weekly. I'm too busy with real life to do this crazy shit every week lol
Here's my entry!
so cooool! yaaay!
Yay~ Thank you!
my entry :) it hope to do you liked
sweeeeet! I definitely like! <3
i did it about a week ago, hope its fine. I would love to make another work for this contest, but i found it so late! eh

thanks for the contest!
That’s totally fine, this is quite an elaborate one too! Awesome!
oh, and you can always do one for the next one ;) I'll do another one in about a week (want to do something else in between he he) :D
thanks! and thanks for doing more of this, i really like the contest :D
Thanks for the push to do this one, it was fun and nostalgic. It brought me back 20 years!
siiiiiiiiick! aw man, thanks for participating!
yeah haha it's always fun taking a trip down memory lane. At least I love it. but then, I'm a sentimentally inclined soul lol
Ok-- finally had a chance to sit down and do something for this one. I notice as far as the traditional goes I am still a bit shit with eyes. I still need PS to really correct my first few mistakes. Nothing is ever perfect when it comes to the traditional stuff for me. Aww well. I'll try again next week.

sweeeeet! yaaay happydance
interesting you chose to just draw it right there on the original page. I think I'm way too precious with this stuff, trying to conserve it as much as possible in its original state.
thank you for taking part! though it would have been cool if you drew it again, since your re-draw is already a year old now. You clearly made a lot of progress though! :D
Oh I didn't know that we could redraw it this time and use it.. I'll take note of that but I will not redraw it for now since I have the best memory when I made that drawing. Thanks @jillustrations for creating this contest and thanks for the complement, it was a hard start since I was new to drawing portraits :)
no worries, maybe next time! :D
You did well <3
and I'm happy you enjoyed the contest. whohoo! There will be more for sure ;D
My entry: https://steemit.com/art/@feynyala/my-entry-for-draw-it-again-challenge-1-by-jillustrations
noiiiiiiice! thanks for participating! whoop whoop!
My entry for the contest here. You can find the reference image there.
sweet! thank you so much for participating!
Oh, what a cool idea!
As a person who was normally giving away her drawings, so she doesn't have to see them ever again, I never did that ;D
I will check if, by any chance, some scans survived the transitions from floppy As to harddrives and arrived with me to Vienna ;)
Anyway, good luck to all who will compete!
omg lol. yeah I figured there's be a few "I got nothin guys" peeps among us hahaha
no stress, but would be fun if you found some! XD
I've found something and I did it! :D

HAAAH! AWESOME!! happydance
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Let's see <3
Hi Jil :) !
Thank you for this contest !
Here's my entry, I dug up an old file, I hope you'll like its makeover.
See you soon!
Ba-Baaaaam! this is noiiiiice!!!! <3 <3 <3 yaaaay~~dragons <3 <3 <3
Thank you ^^ !
Hope it's recognizable. The two sketches are very different in style and year but I tried to maintain the same feeling. ;)
Hi, @jillustrations! Here's my contest entry. https://steemit.com/steemartists/@katalinaooma/draw-it-again-challenge-1
ohh this is wonderful! excellent entry! no, it's very good - the character may have changed a lot beause of your style change, but it's still very much recognisable because the composition and theme is the same!
well done! I love it :D
Thank you, @jillustrations! You made my day/night. ^.^
happy dance
Here is a rather gloomy entry.
WOW exciting contest jill :D AMAZING IDEA also <3 and Im sure this will motivate and kick up a lot of talents on steemit <3 <3 <3
upvotes and resteems
whoohoo! I hope you submit something <3
This is my jam Holmes! Yes, I will try to partake. Next week I would like to sponsor, I can help for #2. Resteeming - remember to help @jillustration with this challenge with a resteem, it is fun to get many people in on it.
Show and tell guys! Pull out a dusty one.
and many thank youuus for the call to arms hee hee :D
awesome sauce, well I don't know if I'll always have time to make it a weekly thing but fuck yeah! thanks! that's some motivation right there. whoop whoop!
I've wanted to try contests for ages, also there's more and more popping up now so before it'll be impossible to get any people to participate because of overload, I wanted to start something.
At least this is a fun one that can be repeated occasionally but I have some other ideas ruminating too.
lets see what I can come up with XD yaay~
I still have some funds atm so you can always do #3 haha
just thought I'd ask hehehehey @artwatch hon, you still up for helping sponsor draw it again #2? XD
sick. u da best.

say, are you on our steemartist discord channel yet??
if not, you should come by. hee hee ~~
I wish I was encouraged during those time I used to draw as a baby, I would have have something to present now...
it doesn't have to be from THAT far back! haha anything from a few years ago lying around somewhere that you could redraw? ;)
Or do you mean you don't draw at all anymore :(
well, never too late to start again! ;D
I have passion for drawing back then when I was still a little child, in fact I have my heart connections back then. But my dad seized it from me because he don't want me to pursue carrier in that line,he always want me to be something against my interest . I still do miss it till today, but my drawing is not that good any longer.
that is sad, and unfortunately still happens a lot. People don't realise there's good careers in art now.
But you should definitely start drawing again if you miss it! It doesn't matter that it might not be so good at the beginning, we all have to practice a lot until we get anywhere, what matters is that you do it!
Drawing is so therapeutic and meditative, and you really don't always have to create something amazing. the skill will come in time. it's all practice. for now, how about you pick up a pencil (or some watercolours) and just have fun! ;D
all the best! I hope you start drawing again <3
much love and good luck!
Oh thanks a lot, I will try to start drawing again as you suggested, I hope I have it back in due time.
it might take a while but be patient with yourself and never give up! :D <3
Thanks so much,yiu are indeed a blessing.
Sneaky Ninja Attack! You have been defended with a 2.32% vote... I was summoned by @zeroooc! I have done their bidding and now I will vanish...Whoosh
I love the challenge! I will participate! : D I have already thought about what drawing I will do the remake
I found a sketch dated 2010. I am actually not confident if I would be able to create a better version but for the fun here I go! @jillustrations Thanks for the opportunity!
This is exciting! Woohooo~~ :)
haha it's all about the fun and games ;D I'll be looking forward to seeing it @soria.lee ! <3
I did it last night . My drawing from the past was much more horrifying than I thought LMAO ^^ Planning to post it today hahaha
hahaha yaay cool! looking forward to it XD
I like this one!! I’ll definitely join hehe
When I see my old works, I always have the urge to draw it again to see how I’ve improved. I never actually finished redrawing but because of this challenge I just might! n_n
I'm waiting to see your stuff!
Best of luck @kothy ^_^
Thank you @varunpaherwar! I'm posting an anime character, Kirishima Touka! n_n
waiting eagerly! ^_^
I hope to participate in this great opportunity that you are giving away thanks.
looking forward to your entry! :)
I really love this challenge!!!
I also have a drawif from 5-6 years ago that I redraw 4 years ago and I was thinking of re-redraw it this year! I don’t know if I can make it to the deadline cause it’s multi character. But anywhoooo, I will try!
you can also submit the sketch version, or maybe for this particular contest pick one character to do first ;)
@jillustrations I found an old sketch made around 11 years ago. It was a whole body sketch. Would it be alright if I re-draw it using a portrait drawing instead?
yeah, sure! go for it. main thing is that it's recognisable
That's actually a really cool drawing for a 14 year-old! And this is an innovative contest idea because it benefits both the contestants and the viewers! I don't really have any 'complete' drawings that's past 1 year though, it's all stickman. So, you know, I still draw a stickman the same. xD
I wish you all the best in taking this contest forward though! :)
(Cool tag btw!)
haha thank you very much on all accounts! :D
I hope lots of people participate :)
I hope so too!
All of my old sketches is on the attic in the boxes and foxes inside of the boxes without lables :))))))))))))) I will need to get a big digger to be able to get it out.
hahaha oh no! XD
This Will be Fun to Watch. I dont drawings, but i like drawings.
haha I hope you enjoy then ;D
Great idea for a contest!
would love to come back and see all the entries!
Best of luck everyone who participates! :D
whohoo! thank you :) well I hope lots of people participate :D
This is turning out to be a successful one already! ^_^
That's a really cool idea for a contest! :D I actually did redraw one of my drawings not so long ago... So was wondering if I could post it or does it have to be a new one,made for this contest specifically? :)
go ahead! I didn't specify it, so I guess I can't complain. Someone already submitted something where the re-drawn image is already a year old. :/
Yeah,it's not the same... I'll try to post sth I made especially for the contest :) I do have an idea but time is my enemy! :/
haha no stress :D I appreciate the effort but if you end up running out of time, no worries, post the one you already did!
I'm crazy busy most of the time myself, so I totally know the feeling. if it's been done within the last year that's totally fine. ;D
Yay! Thanks :D
Fabulous idea for a contest Jill.
I can relate to how you feel when you see an old drawing. How it brings back memories of events and people that surrounded you at that time ~ As well as your thoughts and feelings. 🦋
thank you!
I'm glad I'm not the only one who has that! it's always very strange, especially when I open an old sketchbook and even the smell of it takes me back..
You have some great design skills, please feel free to enter the contest to create mine. click here https://steemit.com/contest/@isteemithard/design-isteemithard-a-profile-picture-avatar-contest-6-winner-of-5
Thank you :)
I am a bit too busy at this time though :)
I do not know how to give you such a nice post, but also try to post something like yours, I follow your friends and vote for them, I always hope for your votes and comments.
I was actually planning to re-draw a fanart I did back in 2012 so I think I might just join this challenge!
whohoo! ~happydance
Oh my... I'd like to join but I'm gonna have to look for them old drawings. Lol.
ohh please do! you need to hurry though, there's only a day or so left till the deadline! fingers crossed~
Awww... Maybe I'll join the next one if ever I can't make it in time. If there's a next one? :D
there will be for sure. I just haven't decided yet if I do another one the week straight after, or if I want to do a different type of challenge first to mix it up a bit haha
but as of right now ( 9pm UTC-05:00 ) you have 20 hours left... hahaha (just itching for more entries over here, because, awesome. XD )
😂 Oh, I can't make it. Will try on the next one!
Aw shucks! I'm too late for this! :( The deadline is tomorrow! This is a really awesome idea though! If you continue to do these little drawing challenges/contests I'll be sure to enter! :D
Aww no worries!! There seems to be enough interest to keep it going ;) so you’ll totally get a chance to enter again. Still deciding if I’ll do it by-weekly though. This contest was absolutely terrible for my voting power hahahahaha
Awwww damn so bummed I missed this. I can't believe I've been away from here for so many weeks. Life really does fly! Nice work @jillustrations and if you do this again I'd love to enter :)
aww no worries! I'm totally planning another one. really, i was meant to post it last week but you, more than anyone knows: Life... XD
The next one should come within the next few days for sure!