3 Years Journey Of 1 Painting. And a Little Tip How To Energize Your Mornings.

in #art7 years ago

How many times did I think that I'm done, and I wasn't. Many times. This painting is a great example of how "adventurous" and long a creative journey can be.

Hanes Tree of Knowledge final logo center.jpg

Today I woke up at 5:40 am and by 6:20 I was in the studio. Since the beginning of the year I completely changed my working schedule and it's been very beneficial for me. I used to work until midnight, sometimes even longer, and wake up after 9am. I was tired most of the time but still pushed the grind.

This year, I go to bed around 10pm and I wake up around 6 am. The total hours of sleep did not change, it's still around 7 hours, but the fact of going to sleep before midnight benefited greatly my body clock and subsequently my energy level.

I am also very diligent with my breathing exercises in the morning. I do 4 rounds of bhastrika pranayama - if you're not familiar with it, you can watch a short demonstration here:

then one round of push-ups with no air in my lungs (holding the exhale at the furthermost point), then one set of pull ups on a bar that we have in the door frame and off I go to cold shower. This gives me a way stronger energy rush than coffee (also keeps me fit). But I still love my coffee from JJ bean on the corner of my block and I'm happy they open at 6am :)

But back to the painting that I wanted to show you guys today.

I first painted this 6x4feet original in 2015 and I called it "Tree of Knowlege"


Tree of knowledge logo.jpg

For fellow metric system people who have no idea how long is a foot, you can get a better idea of the size from this picture. I am European myself, and I had no idea about the totally unnecessarily complicated so called "Imperial system" before I moved to Canada....I call it BS system:)

Hanes Tree of Knowledge final logo.jpg

First version of this painting under way...


Hanes Tree of Knowledge 2.jpg

I liked the result to be honest, but I put it aside for a year and half and one fine day, while looking at it, I realized I want to change it. And that's exactly what I did.

I called the second version th "Angel swing" and you can see why...


hanes paradise 2 colors.jpg

More detailed picture here...


Angel swing logo.jpg

Now you know why I called it Angel swing.


Angel swing center logo.jpg

I liked that version too, but I let it sit for another year. I felt that it wasn't still quite THE final version. I wasn't too happy about the sky to be completely honest.
And so the fall of 2017 came and I had a big show in November. I was going through my inventory and saw the Angel swing smiling at me. I knew the time for the final version came.

After what I went through in 2017, I knew it had to be a battle ofdarkness and light. ...


Touch from Haeven detail 1.jpg
Can you see the "invisible" hands wrapped around the sun? If you do, big kudos!

I called this third version "Touch from Heaven" ...


Touch from Haeven detail 2.jpg

And I feel that this is indeed THE final version of it.

Touch from Heaven logo.jpg

And this is where this 3 years Odyssey of this painting ended. It is indeed the final version of it, I can feel it in my gut.
I do not regret having to repaint to so many times and spending so much time on it. Every time it taught me a lesson.

Lesson of letting go. Lesson of allowing. Lesson of acceptance.

Thank you for reading, commenting, upvoting and resteeming!


Much Love to all of you,

follow @jankasparec


! angel hands 4.jpg


Wow, I love your work! Coming from a dead head your art is trippy! I am an old school hippie and i really like your sense of space and use of vibrant deep colors. The fact that the paintings are so big really makes them unique. I would love to check out your gallery one day or buy a piece from you. I will be following and awaiting new posts, I really enjoyed reading your article and it was very well put together. Great work all in all, thanks for sharing! this one is my favorite in this collection:

Thank you @grateful-charts. Check http://jankasparec.com/ for my latest portfolio. I accept all sorts of crypto, so you can contact me for purchase anytime :) Have a great day! Following you back!

Hi Jan! I can totally relate to having long journeys with certain paintings. I've done the same thing at times. A painting that was "finished" suddenly seems like it needs something more.
It's amazing to me that when we really listen to this gut feeling, that our paintings can become so much more vibrant. It's almost as if they need a period of dormancy, and we need to be away from it long enough to see it with fresh eyes. I love that you're committed to that process and producing your best work to share with the world. That love and excellence comes through our work to others for sure. If we don't care enough to really make it the best it can be, that shows too.

I love the size that you're working in for this image. The "grandness" and awe really come through when the scale is large like this. Thank you for sharing your beautiful paintings. I'm looking forward to browsing your previous works and seeing your new work as it arises.
P.S. Your peace and hope come through in the way that you write. It's very apparent and appreciated. I'm so glad that my brother @lukestokes showed me your work when he was at my gallery, and that now I am following your work. Inspiring and beautiful.

Hi Kara! Lovely reading your comment! I bet you did the same many times! This is medium size for me. Large begins at 8 feet :D Keep on posting your great art Steemit needs you! ;) Much Love @karaelizabeth !

Love the post. Your colors and style is really sit well with me. Nice texture in the greenery too!

I am going to be running a curated art project and think it would be great to get you involved as a featured artist of the week coming up. We're filling up quickly so please come take a look!


Sign Up Here!

Thank you for reaching out @mrblinddraw ! And thank you for your support!

So many little details to look at. Some paintings just take a few transformations to get it just right. The trick is knowing when to stop, when to realise that it is finished and there is nothing more that needs to be altered or enhanced.

Thanks Kat! I guess you're right :)

Great work, super inspiring. Resteemed!

Had to chuckle at the sleep bit. I think the deeper we get into our creativity the less we want to sleep and the more we want to make :) Also the panic of how to make rent with our art, lol. Always fun to watch the evolution of your pieces!

last night was 100times better than the previous one Mike haha, you know it! Yup, totally, I sleep so much less then what I used to yet my energy levels are much higher! I am ok with the rent, one of the lucky ones who is even making a luxurious living with it...more than I need actually. SUPER GRATEFUL! :) Much Love bro thanks for stopping by!

Glad to hear that on so many levels :)

THis is so beautiful!!!!
100% Upvotet
And resteemed!
Awesome pictures!
Thanks for your work

Thanks bro, much appreciated!

Hehehe! A pleasure to have your art on my profil!
Call better sista ;-)
Hugs out bro

Haha sorrrrrry sis! :D

Wow you are a great human being! i just discovered your blog and have to follow you, also i want to leave you some kind words :) the art is outstanding too and I am looking foreward to see more!
I would love your opinion on my blog (I havent posted much yet ;) ), and my first tutorial.
Have a great 2018 and all the best to you.

Thanks JB! Much appreciated! Gonna check it out!

DQmf4vtKWjnxbbAv7fniTfLB6gvSmr1qDmbdbaMHCR9bw3f.jpegYour art is very interesting dear @jankasparec

Beautyfull photography....


great painting @jankasparec resteemed

Thanks a lot!

Amazing photos

A great painting, made with some real passion. I love the composition!

Thank you @bronkong! Great nickname by the way! :)

Great work of art. Well done.

Very beautiful artwork.

Resteemmax ! max ! @jankasparec

That is breathtaking! I love the idea of it changing over the years. It's like seeing an evolution of yourself over the years. Absolutely beautiful!

Thank you, I like it too. Life's a journey. Guessing from your nickname- are you in Vancouver? Nice place to do yoga :)

Excellent photography, very nice story, great post
Thanks for sharing

Great art @jankasparec.


Love your work! You are very talented!

Thanks @borran! That and working madly :)

Upvoted, followed, and resteemed! What a great piece! I love the evolution of your piece. That's one of the greatest things about being an artist is watching your work and talent grow and develop over time. Beautiful painting!

Thanks a lot Wade bro! Appreciated!

This is amazing! The art is stunning, but your tenacity and patience are just as amazing. I love this story. My 10 year old read it with me and we were both very impressed - good lesson! :)

Thanks so much! So great to hear that someone is actually READING :) Not common here to be honest. Following you

I like to create myself so seeing the process you went through to get that beautiful piece was inspiring! We live in an age of instant gratification so the time you put in is noticed and appreciated. What a beautiful outcome! :)

I am in love with your artwork

That's so nice to hear :) Thank you Rosee!

Good pictures, check out my last post 😁

Beautiful piece. Thanks for sharing the process. Knowing when a piece is done has always been one of my greatest challenges as an artist. I also appreciate that you share how integral Pranayama breathing is in your life.
Upvoted and followed you today.

I think I could not make it through the morning without a good series of Bhastrika :) Thanks mate, I got your friend request too! Much Love, following you

Wow....Wonderful pictures
I like it very much

Man... I like it so much that I hold my breath when I look at it))
Can't help it, I'm an art addict :(

Thanks @yaan. Really honored to hear this. Love your profile description, actually really funny , don't deny it!