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RE: The image is made of own imagination and thoughts

in #art6 years ago

Climate Chaos.

The climatic system is more and more surprising, the drought is generating havoc as it passes, air currents move the sands through the skies as if they were rays of light. Cities are being covered by large amounts of sand, all of them sheltering from this unprecedented storm. Meanwhile, the sun continues to do its work relentlessly, leaving an immense heat in each wake. All the water has evaporated, there are no oceans, seas or rivers left, only dry air about to expire.

El Caos Climatico.

El sistema climatico es cada vez más sorprendente, la sequía está generando estragos a su paso, corrientes de aire trasladan las arenas por los cielos como si fuesen rayos de luz. Las ciudades están siendo cubiertas por grandes cantidades de arena, todos se reesguardan ante esta tormenta inedita. Mientras tanto, el sol sigue haciendo su trabajo de manera implacable dejando en cada estela un inmenso calor. Todo el agua se ha evaporado, no quedan oceanos, mares ni rios, solo se siente un aire seco a punto de expirar.


Hi @jadnven

Thanks for your thoughts and the story