Thanks for bringing that up! I know its like FUNDING SPACE VENTURES LOOKING FOR ANOTHER PLANET TO LIVE IN, while destroying our unique earth. I know they mean well but its twisted, its like replacing humans with robots ugh, like if there's no hope to save bees we have no choice but it's like theyre saying we can let it get to that point there cause they can replace bees with robots. its pathetic.
You can draw!!! if you put dedication to making the best piece ever! you will and you will be successful! :D
HUGS! gahhhhhhh
T.T my struggles everyday to deal with signing petitions and making art and not throwing plastics and going zero waste and ORGANIC, I hope it helps :(
I hope more people actually ACT on it, I know many people are aware of climate change like hello ive heard of it since i was third grade BUT, i never really changed my lifestyle till now, im 24 and I hope people see that WE need to re evaluate our lifestyle and eliminate/ reduce anything that will harm our environment. even if it means giving up a few things.