PLASTIC ART ENTRIES: Plastic Ocean 🌊 Awareness and Prevention of Plastic Pollution

in #art7 years ago

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Plastic Pollution is our greatest enemy in years to come.
We don't pay attention but this problem is growing by the tons daily. By 2050,
There will be more plastics in the ocean than fish.
With this, it is expected that we will have ingested the same toxins and plastics that we throw in the ocean through the fish (or seafood) that we eat.
Many fish will not grow healthy and probably die an early death. Many animals like turtles, seals and dolphins will get trapped in plastic and fishermen's nets under the sea (ghost fishing); and die of plastic ingestion.


Last week I initiated a contest that would catch the attention of people towards this global crisis. Why?

Why not? I believe we can never restore our earth if people do not work together. I hope when you read this you will consider the welfare of our environment the next time you plan to burn plastics, throw garbage in the ocean or keep buying plastics withour recycling them.

Photo Credit
We do not see how our animal friends are suffering. And it is time for us to realize our health is also on the line.


I am so happy to present the artists and their entries.

Art by @tonie

In this entry, I chose to drew this two hands holding the marine animals or saving them from the populated ocean. I'm using traditional drawing and edited it in photoshop. So here's my materials that I'm using. -@tonie

I agree with Tonie here, nature and whatever happens to it is in our hands.

Art by @annycor

Hello! since I read about the contest, a few days ago, I was thinking about something to draw and nothing came to my mind, but this morning on my way to work I saw a babygirl, she was carrying her homework,It was a model made with recycled cardboard and some printed drawings, It was something like this-@annycor

This is very simple yet the cause and effect of plastic and marine life dying is so obvious, great work!

Art by @marklester23

In this drawing, you’ll see a plastic floating in the polluted sea with a dead body of a fish and a person who slowly losing his breathe because he’s trapped inside the plastic. The fish represents every marine species in marine diversity while the person I drew was wearing a salakot and it represents all the people in the world and last but not the least is the hand who had a tight gripped in the upper part of the plastic who’s the iresponsible users of plastics. My message in this drawing wasn’t that deep. A message that my drawing wants to convey can easily understand in just one sentence,we kill ourselves by using plastic.
We are the one who is responsible for this issue because we, humans, were the one who made this thing and we were the one who’s using it. Plastic is only a medium to kill us but the truth is we, humans, were the one who’s destroying marine diversity, killing the marine species and we are the one who’s killing ourselves by using plastics. Nonetheless, there are still humans who have a discipline in using PLASTIC, still.-@marklester23

The facial expression of the man here is so "help me!!!". Let's hope that one day we won't go through difficult times because of this

Art by @itachi24j

There are several kinds of plastics, some more toxic than others and all end up floating in the sea and / or accumulating on the coasts. Marine animals can get trapped with them and/or ingest them.
I chose a hermit crab, because when they have the small shell they look for another larger and more comfortable, through the image I want to show how the life of a crab affects the garbage thrown by humans, so my concept is:
I had a lot of fun thinking about what to do, draw it and paint it, especially because I really like hermit crabs. -@itachi24j

This looks like an ad. It's very well made. Plus! It stresses out the party goers in beaches that leave trash just everywhere. Honestly, most plastic trash is sourced from tourist spots like beaches. Great work, bulls eye!

Art by @karenthfer

Plastic drawing contest: "Protests under the sea"
karenthfer (43) in art • yesterday
Hi Steetmit community,
I want to support this movement with my participation, because I think it is an honorable cause.
We need to take conciseness about the importance of recycling.
We are not only injuring animal life, but the life of our sons and grandsons too. What kind of world are we going to leave them?

My concept and opinion about the subject I think is clear, it makes me feel Anger...
I am shock! It is incredible how much we are destroying our environment! and I try to express that on the opinions of the protagonists of my drawing.
We are occasioned this damage and only we are able to stop it and reverse it.

This is my draw: "Protests under the sea"-@karenthfer

I love the speech bubbles on this. If only fish could talk and go somewhere else. They would

Art by @Superjongky

A contrast of happy meal which the parents don't have any better food to offer their child but a stuffed fish that has dieted for plastic.
A concept about the future if we don't take good care of our food resources.

We know that the Earth we live in is composed most of waters. The waters which have become part of our lives since the beginning of life. The waters which have given us bread and butter. The waters which have bestowed us great sceneries and attractions. The waters which we are still not 100% certain of what creatures are lurking deep below. And the waters which one day will retaliate because of our mischievousness and insensitiveness as stewards of nature. -@superjongky

Plastic ingestion is one of the main issues. This is unfortunate if one day we will only eat fish with plastic nutritional value

Art by @hiddenblade

This is my entry for the Plastic Drawing Contest hosted by @jacinta.sevilla. The concept is simple but exaggerated a bit for humor.

The Turritopsis dohrnii, or what we call the immortal jellyfish is a type of jellyfish that is capable of reverting back to its immature stage, colonial stage after having reached sexual maturity. By the term immortal, yes it is biologically immortal. It has the ability to revert back to its polyp stage once it reaches maturity, starvation, sudden temperature change, is threatened or if there are several changes in the environment. They can be killed when predated or when they get disease.

ASSUMING that they live even though there are changes in the environment due to plastics and other garbages, this illustration is something that I think would happen. Plastics can biodegrade for 450-1000 years. Imagine if we completely filled the ocean with plastics, the natural sunlight coming from the sun will be covered resulting in changes in the marine ecosystem. Aquatic photosynthesis would not be possible, and that would greatly affect the food chain. ASSUMING that humans have died due to the lack of food in land and ocean and massive disease, and also ASSUMING that these immortal jellyfishes are one of the creatures that survived, then they would be lonely. If they were able to live and adjust to the changes, then they will be living all their lives in the dark waters.. and that is really lonely. In the future, the light (that is supposed to be natural to them), would be strange for them. And did I ask how would you be able to enjoy swimming in the ocean full of plastics? Well, nobody wants to live in the dark and be lonely, right? So let's not hope that this will happen. -@hiddenblade

I appreciate the research you've done for this, introducing the immortal Jellyfish this is so possible :( some parts of the ocean have so much garbage floating on it that you can't eveb see the water anymore.

Art by @Planosdeunacasa

You can see in this drawing, the fishes, a turtle, a scavenger, plastics and other contaminants at sea.

You can see the concept in my drawing too.

There is a person's hand with plastic, where there are 2 options to throw:

Trash. >>> This option is to pollute the sea.
Recycling of plastic. >>> This option is saving lives at sea.
I drew it to reflect what we do using too much plastic, and it is necessary to recycle more. Because we pollute the sea, animals and the planet.
I felt creative, I made a drawing with a graphic, where it is understood as best as possible.-@planosdeunacasa

The diagram is very informative (it's what we all should be doing) and thanks for making an effort!

Art by @mfestra

El plástico se ha hecho algo común en nuestras vidas, y podemos encontrarlo en casi todo lo cotidiano que nos rodea, y debido a su alta demanda y producción el aumento de los residuos de plástico de se incrementado de manera impresionante. Sumado todo esto a una mala gestión de la manipulación de los desperdicios de plástico, han terminado en los mares y océanos, aproximadamente un 80 % de la basura marina esta constituida de plástico. Dependiendo del tipo de plástico y las condiciones ambientales una vez llegado al mar su degradación puede tardar un tiempo indefinido y mientras esto sucede se va descomponiendo en pequeños fragmentos que hasta los momentos han inundado al mar con unas 50 billones de partículas de este polímero.
Plastic has become something common in our lives, and we can find it in almost anything around us, and because of its high demand and production, the augment of plastic residues has enormously increased. Adding all this to a bad management of the plastic waste handling, they ended up in the seas and in the oceans, and about the 80% of the sea wastes is made of plastic. Depending on the type of plastic and on the environment conditions, once it reaches the sea, its degradation can take an indefinite time and, while this happens, it decomposes into small fragments that until now have flooded the sea with some 50 billion particles of this polymer.

I don't understand spanish but even if I don't I totally get what the drawing is. Most sea turtles get caught in wastes and die :( thank you for expressing this. Also the sea is much affected by microscopic particles. Its so bad for all of us

Art by @jeeuuzz

I've used a "Sea Turtle" as a subject because they're often victims of wastes in the seas. I've came with this concept because of having the thought that, we always watch a film about "Apocalypse", where human's strives so hard for them to survive in the world of scarcity. So instead of humans experiencing a "Apocalypse" why not make or apply the theme to marine environment. For me it's a great illustration, that if we will continue to do our wrongdoings, throwing our own wastes everywhere (especially in all bodies of water), without thinking about the consequences, there's a great a chance that a "Apocalypse" will occur. What I mean, if we will to continue to our bad habit, we will going destroy our seas, our marine environment. There will be unbalance, which will led to scarcity, because there's no food that is left for every Marine species, because we already destroyed it. In the end, there will be a lost of production in food coming from our seas, we're all gonna pay for it, because one most of our food come from our seas. But it's not too late! we all can make a difference. We should not wait til that day will happen. But first, we must start within ourselves, if we want "change", we must change our self first.-@jeeuuzz

This is scary. The turtle is sick. :( yes. Let's not wait for the apocalypse

Art by @adamada

I approached the theme with a cartoon style because creating a serious atmosphere draws less attention to the truth. It is a serious problem and an inconvenient truth. However, people often become apathetic to the problem because they could not appreciate it unlike people who see the problem first hand.

Once you see a dead sea turtle, whale, or pelican washed ashore and find out plastic consumption caused their deaths, it really changes your perspective. Most people don’t appreciate the problem because the inconvenient truth is outside the realm of their awareness. Facts don’t change people immediately until they can fully experience and be engaged with the problem.

The problem is bigger than all the whales in the oceans combined. It affects everyone. I could no longer eat any seafood without thinking a microscopic plastic fiber is entering my body. The monster will only get bigger and our room to breath will only get narrower as this progresses.

You can keep flipping the image but the message remains the same. Plastic will remain a threat unless people started doing something about it.-@adamada

I totally agree that this plastic problem is ignored because people don't realize how big a threat this is also we dont see it everyday so awareness is low. I appreciate the write up and the simple but meaningful!

Art by @marpa

En sus aguas el mar lleva, una joven tortuga marina, que planea tener compañía y huevos dejar en la orilla. También un temible mero guasa con ganas de tomar agua salada mientras un cangrejo caza; un jurel amarillo y blanco, que se esconde de los pesqueros barcos y una medusa rosada que desea comer larvas.
Pero llega un terrible plástico rosado, nadando en el Atlántico, el mar sale a su encuentro emocionado, piensa que es un animal encantado. Amarga sorpresa se lleva el océano, es rodeado por el plástico funesto, lo devasta sin piedad, ya no queda vida en el mar.
La tortuga no pudo tener crías, el mero guasa ya no respira, la medusa flota sin vida y el jurel permanece muerto en la orilla.
The sea is home to a young sea turtle, who plans to find a boyfriend soon and lay eggs on the beach. Also a fearsome mere goliath who wants to drink salt water while a crab hunts; a horse mackerel, which hides from fishing boats and a pink jellyfish that wants to eat larvae.
A terrible pink plastic arrives, that wanders by the Atlantic, the sea arrives at its excited encounter, because it thinks that it is an enchanted animal. But plastic was not a friend and it suffocates marine life, destroys it.
The turtle can not have offspring, the Goliath grouper no longer breathes, the jellyfish floats without life and the cat mare remains dead on the shore.


Concurso de dibujo plástico: Exterminio- Plastic drawing contest: Extermination
marpa (62) in art • 5 days ago
Con ustedes...
El océano feliz y sin preocupaciones.

With all of you ...
The happy and carefree ocean. </ center>


En sus aguas el mar lleva, una joven tortuga marina, que planea tener compañía y huevos dejar en la orilla. También un temible mero guasa con ganas de tomar agua salada mientras un cangrejo caza; un jurel amarillo y blanco, que se esconde de los pesqueros barcos y una medusa rosada que desea comer larvas.
Pero llega un terrible plástico rosado, nadando en el Atlántico, el mar sale a su encuentro emocionado, piensa que es un animal encantado. Amarga sorpresa se lleva el océano, es rodeado por el plástico funesto, lo devasta sin piedad, ya no queda vida en el mar.
La tortuga no pudo tener crías, el mero guasa ya no respira, la medusa flota sin vida y el jurel permanece muerto en la orilla.
The sea is home to a young sea turtle, who plans to find a boyfriend soon and lay eggs on the beach. Also a fearsome mere goliath who wants to drink salt water while a crab hunts; a horse mackerel, which hides from fishing boats and a pink jellyfish that wants to eat larvae.
A terrible pink plastic arrives, that wanders by the Atlantic, the sea arrives at its excited encounter, because it thinks that it is an enchanted animal. But plastic was not a friend and it suffocates marine life, destroys it.
The turtle can not have offspring, the Goliath grouper no longer breathes, the jellyfish floats without life and the cat mare remains dead on the shore.

Devastado quedo el mar, se siente soledad, especies inocentes, exterminadas por humanos imprudentes. No tuvimos precaución, de cuidar nuestro mundo mejor, el plástico flotando está, es tiempo de salir a limpiar

The sea is devastated, loneliness is felt, many innocent species, exterminated by the imprudence of us humans, we were not careful with the plastic.

En esta animación no hubo ningún lesionado, todo fue actuado.

In this animation there were no injuries, everything was a performance of the opossum and @marpa.

Bravo! This is awesome performance and creativity. Stop motion is very hard to do yet you managed to create one! Talented! The visuals and narration delivers the message well. Thankyou!

Art by @arelonz

A great whale being suck into a drain hole mean that we are facing a global warming impact that our sea slowly being drain out if this continue to intensify, grow ever more costly and damaging, and increasingly affect the entire planet.
As you can see the whale are trap with all kind off trash such as plastic bottle, tyre, cigarette and other junks. The fish are struggling with its life.
On top of that, the oil spill is the release of a liquid petroleum hydrocarbon into the environment, especially the marine ecosystem, due to human activity, and is a form of pollution.. STOP!!! there so many beautiful kind of creature in this marine ecosystem.-@arelon

Cigarette butts and plastic bags are the most found! And oil spills not only kill animals on water but birds too. Thank you for this artwork. Very nice!

Art by @lunaticmoon

What I wanted to draw was a girl with some sort of substance spilled on their face, its the ocean we're talking about so it's most likely oil, and oil spills happen every now and then in the ocean and endanger many animals with their fur and swimming ability. The most common known victim are penguins! As nature gets polluted it'll be more rare to see animals thrive in their habitat and eventually one day if we keep up the pollution we wont have anymore animals to sightsee maybe it'll just be us and factory food in future we'll never know.

But yeah the look for this girl is that she hasn't been treated the most nicest way, disheveled hair, oil splashed on her shes all dirty with nets and oil in the background with plastic cups and perhaps plastic stranding out from her hair but even after all that her clothes look clean but at the same time she isn't exactly all dirty looking. The reason why I wanted to make her look almost pristine while dirty is that it isn't too late to clean all this up that we can still have beauty before its all covered!

She's so pretty! And shes worried. This is an attractive way to draw in people. Thankyou!

Art by @desireemolina

Today I present to you this group of strange creatures, the Naturitos. They work day and night to make a planet more suitable for life, to create awareness to people about what should be done and what not to have a healthy nature and thus live better.

The plastic, that material so useful, necessary, but so harmful; With a brief experience Naturitos leave their message.


So much effort!!! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
They're so cute! Amazing presentation! Gracias!!!

Art by @ivan-g*

For this project I decided to use scrap from old projects and an old unfinished model (the sea urchins)I added ink to show how our pollution of the ocean affects marine life and ultimately poisons human with their consumption. I plan on reusing the large blue paper for some future works to reduce waste(which is why I didn't paint the page too much), and try to contribute in my way to reduction of pollution.
I'm really happy with how this project turned out, reading the post reminded me about how much people waste, litter and meaninglessly buy unnecessary products (0.5L plastic bottles) and so on. Because of this post I decided to show it from my perspective and little ways in which I try to minimize my waste.

This is so creative! I personally like origami! 👏♥️ I also appreciate how you plan to recycle in your future works and also used plastics and recycled materials for this submission! Thank you!

Art by @ivanusaur
DQmUukZcTpi6pKKMwM7gHmfyJYjBmCD7Dy2FCbCgGBJr77J (1).png

A FISH GRASPING FOR AIR - AN IRONY (Plastic drawing contest)
ivanusaur (47) in art • 10 days ago
In the last ten years our waters have borne the brunt of serious pollution accidents, but these are becoming less common as technologies develop and the affects become better understood. But, there is still an awful lot to learn about the effects of polluting our marine environments. Often the pollution cannot be seen by the naked eye, and sometimes pollution will never disappear from the water.

In many ways it is our own actions that lead to pollution and in some cases we can do something about it. For example, buying local products reduces the demand for food from overseas, reducing the amount of ships needed to carry this food, and in turn reducing the pollution they cause on the oceans and the waste they dispose of.

Similar to @hiddenblades concept, in this art, the ocean has been completely covered in trash...great expression of the theme.



What's more is that you made them with your mind and 💓
Did I miss something? Any entry? Judging is now ongoing. I will announce very soon!

stay tuned!

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That's all folks!


all the participations are incredible, all to protect the environment that surrounds us. Excellent initiative

Thank you so much! Hopefully this idea sticks to all people who read. we need to be more careful! for our future, for our kids and grand kids.

So many awesome art styles and amazing creativity <3

So many talents! Yes. Thanks to all of you :)

I am having a difficult time to judge xD

Que orgullo el haber participado, espero continuen estas iniciativas! Gracias! Saludos!

<3 gracias
i will :)
You too! in your own way!!! wherever you are spread the word!

thank you very much friend! regards!

Such great art for such a good cause!

Thank you so much! much needs to be done...

Great post! Thank you for bringing awareness to this important issue. Even though the oceans are vast they are still impacted by the non perishable waste that gets thrown into them!

You said it! and the issue is not getting better! i bet 80% of the people still continue throwing and using plastics recklessly.
im gonna have to make another post on how to use less plastic. or buying an eco bag that you can use whenver you shop.
Thank you for the kind comment :) I need support on this, I really need to wake people up with what's happening to the ocean and to animals.

The @mfestra one makes me feel sad :( , beautiful artworks !!

yes it has a sad feeling.

I have little time in this community and I spend time exploring and this is one of the best initiatives I have found ... Thank you very much !!!

I feel honoured thank you so much for your participation!

Whoa!!! Firstly I am so impressed by how much time and effort you used to compile all the entries to your contest and how you comment on everyone of them besides inserting their excerpts in your post. That requires so much dedication from you, @jacinta.sevilla !!!!! Super respect!

Secondly, recently this plastic ocean pollution also hits me somehow and this contest is such a great initiative to create awareness. I really can't imaging how our world would be in just 20 years if we don't do something now.

Thirdly, all the best in judging this contest because all the entries are so awesome! Everyone is overloaded with creativity and they translate all of that into their art pieces! I will come back to see who wins in the end! :D