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RE: Party Photo..... and Yellow Jackets !

in #art5 months ago (edited)

Thank you ! I'm just having a little fun.

We have multiple types of wasps here. Most aren't that aggressive, but you don't want to mess with the Yellow Jackets unprepared.

One of my nieces who is about 14 now was at my Mom's in the last couple of years, helping in the yard and she accidentally raked over a Yellow Jacket hole. They were out and on her before anybody knew what was going on and she ran. He father wasn't near her by was still yelling for her to run (which they WILL chase you) and they were still after her. My elderly Mom was out there, grabbed a blanket from the garage and ran (that's right) and wrapped her with the blanket while knocking off the one's still attached, so that no more could land on her. By Grace, my Mom was not stung, but there was great risk she could have been. What we won't do for our family.... .right?