Who doesn't love Quinten Tarantino? Well... maybe a lot of people, BUT — for every person who finds him distasteful, there is someone who finds him to be a BRILLIANT creative director of the silver screen. This particular series of illustrations were really important to me - the challenge was to pick three people who were influential to you and through a variety of additional "props" so to say, you would be able to identify who this person was.
I have always been a big movie person - and by this point had a set top three favorites of all time - ever - ....and they were:
- Quentin Tarantino
- Tim Burton
- Stephen Spielberg
(The links above will take you to their pages on IMDB.com and give you an idea of all the movies they have done, their backstory, etc. - if you are interested)
Some of my favorite Quentin movies have really stuck with me - for both visual and conceptual reasons. His movies are bold, gritty, unforgiving and in-your-face loud - but they are visually stunning and extremely captivating - from the cinematography and beautifully composed scenes to the insane thrill-ride he takes you on - these moves are just - amazing and I highly recommend you see the following (if you haven't - it's ok, but you seriously owe it to yourself to see at least one)
Pulp Fiction - From the easter eggs to the freakin' crazy story line, vulgar obscenities, and beautiful cinematography - this is my all time favorite - its crazy, but its also just crazy good - not to mention the all star casting - Uma, John, Samuel - so good.
Kill Bill VOL 1,2 &3 - Yes they are all good, yes you should absolutely watch them all, and yes you should watch them in order :)
DeathRace - Its grungy - its crazy - it feels B-Rate - but I love it!
These three movies influenced the "props" I used in the below illustration:

I have always loved Spielberg - I mean he is the director behind some of the biggest flicks that have ever been shown on the big screen. I mean - E.T., Jurassic Park Series, Back to the Future, Gremlins, Indiana Jones, and more.. we can't barely name a blockbuster from the 80s & 90's that Spielberg didn't help to produce. His movies still live with me from my childhood and this illustration was a lot of fun to draw, these are the elements I used to help identify him in his portrait:
- He's riding a dinosaur to represent Jurassic Park
- A Moon to represent E.T.
- He's dressed in full Indiana Jones' get-up to represent no one else but Sir Indiana himself.
Burton is another one - he is definitely my most favorite of all time - even though I have him listed here last. But I have always been the kind of girl that likes to leave the best to last :D From the time I was a little girl, I fell in love with the man who made Edward Scissor Hands, BeetleJuice, Nightmare Before Christmas (I couldn't wait for that movie to come out!), Batman, Corpse Bride, etc. etc. etc. The list goes on. His drawing and personal style as an illustrator is so freaking good - I definitely attribute a bit of my style to Mr. Burton.
The elements for this portrait were:
- Jack Skellington costume - on top of the iconic hill in the movie
- Scissor hands for Mr. Edward
- Gears - because .. FUN FACT - Burton ALWAYS shows a gear in some way, form, or fashion in each of his movies -it is a bit of a signature for him and it has hidden meaning. To him gears mean progress and you will see these little glimpses of this message through and within every film he does.
So there you have it, three of my favorite Directors/Producers ever and my personal stylistic take on a charicature rendering of them. I hope you like them and will let me know what you think below! If your feelin' froggy and may want to see more of my work, please follow me :)

Interested in seeing more posts from me? Here are a few I made over this past week:
Steem Wars - Day 4: Color Challenge - Tuesday Orange - Original Photos by J-VO - TeamUSA
Steem Wars - Day 5: Color Challenge - Wednesday Yellow - Original Photos by J-VO - TeamUSA
Six Sad Stories: See Illustration 5: "It's Behind You - Hurry Before it" - Rockne S. O’Bannon
Steem Wars - Day 6: Color Challenge - Thursday Green - Photos by J-VO - Team USA
Painting with Sparklers - Long-Exposure Photography (Original Photos by JVO)
Art Discovery Contest - USA - Bill Watterson a Hero of Illustration & Comics
All photography and creative artwork displayed in this post were created by @j-vo.
Oh well you are really good!!!! Yes
Thank you 😀 you're so kind I appreciate your support!
very nice draws. Wish I could draw like that!
Thank you @bulkygangsta - most appreciate your kind words! I personally believe anyone with an interest can easily learn and with practice can become great! You should give it a try sometime 😀 i love your profile pic btw.. huge breaking bad fan!
thanks @sketcher! Out of curiosity, did you have a favorite?
Your post shows a lot of interest in film directing, and also the bobble head looking drawing figures of the 3 famous hollywood directors is really good. I was an art student in college, so I can appreciate these sorts of things. Upvoted, Resteemed, and following!!!
Thank you @jamie-smith! I went to art school too - lol! Its nice to meet other artist who had "formal" education! Thank you for taking the time to let me know your thoughts! :)
Quentin! Talented person is talented in everything

this scene - it's higher than any level of awesomeness!!!
And he's awesome even as an actor

Totally agree on all fronts! Lol! He's just amazing. I love that first scene too! Thank you for your comment and your awesome gifs,
How can I pass by, when I see "Tarantino" in the topic of the post? =)
LOL - I was hoping it would catch the fan's eyes! I'm so glad it caught yours!!
These are all really fun, but I got to say I think I like the Quentin Tarantino the best. He has such a funky face that it's really fun to see stylized! The rest are great too, don't get me wrong! The Spielberg T-Rex is GREAT! I'ma think about it and probably change my mind in about 20 minutes, lol. As always, enjoyed your post! Upvoted and resteemed as it should be!
Thanks @i-am-wade - I really appreciate your constant support :) Thank you for helping to share my post :)
All good, all capturing what's unique about each director.
You have such a broad range of styles, it's really impressive. Are these all created completely digitally or did you start with pen and ink, then scan?
These were done with pen and ink on Bristol Board. Then I photographed them in studio. The Burton one has some soft washes built in. I took into Photoshop to crisp up the white a bit. But, yes, that is what my professor's in college used to tease me about (not having a specific style). But fortunately this gift works well for Graphic Design - especially Freelance if you want to be able to help all kinds of different people with different aesthetics achieve a successful "whatever task" - you know! Thank you for taking the time to take a look and comment! :) I appreciate your feedback!
Geez - why would they tease you about not having a "specific style?" I get the idea of producing a recognizable body of work and building a brand, but why limit yourself to just one? Times and tastes change, and I think it's great that you can be so adaptable.
Thanks for sharing part of your process with me!
You're welcome - and when I say tease - it was in good fun - they really all liked my work and were all very supportive - but so many of the other illustration majors had very obvious styles that they stuck to - which as you said did make them very identifiable - but I have always wanted to be flexible - do anything - to serve whatever mood or aesthetic I wanted to serve at any given time - and I agree with you that I think this makes a more well rounded artist that can thrive in a vast economy! Thanks for the conversation Winston - I hope you have a great evening!
Thanks for reading and best of luck in all your projects - and styles!
A solid post..
Thanks @jealson - I really appreciate you taking the time to stop by and read! Thanks for letting me know you liked it :)
these are super cool..!!
amazing wrk..!!
Thanks a bunch @ramyar - did you have a favorite? Thanks for taking the time to check them out - I appreciate it!
I'm a big fan of Quentin Tarantino myself, he has a unique approach on film making. It's cool that his characters are all related somewhat.
@kryptokayden - I know right!?! Glad to see another female who can appreciate his brilliance - a lot of girls I know didn't really care for him or his films.. I also agree that its interesting how he ties them all together in a way - he is creatively just so brilliant to me.
Only movie i didn't really like from him is Kill Bill Volume 1 and 2. Too much violence and blood for my taste LOL
I met Steven Spielberg in person last year in LA. Would like to see a drawing with him and jewish people in the background. That is a true passion of his... Survivors of the Holocaust.
HEY @grimboslice819 thanks for sharing! That would be a really cool idea! I'm definitely aware.. as sad at it was I love Schindler's List.. did a segment on the holocaust in high school, even got to go to the holocaust museum in DC.. incredible experience. I have always had a place in my heart for this topic. It's super terrifying and awful what happened to so many people during that time. I will never forget them or this tragedy, I will have to creating what you suggested!
Also, that is just absolutely incredible you got to meet him - wow - I am jealous!!!
Great article. These are fantastic directors who made legendary movies. My personal favorite is Neill Blomkamp who did Chappie and District 9. Such unique gritty visuals and powerful stories. The work of Tarentino and Spielberg were huge inspirations for my comic. Life changing stuff. Thanks for sharing this.
OMG @jrej - I LOVE CHAPPIE! "Chappie has Blings".. lol best movie in a long time and its what introduced me to Die Antwoord who are equally just as amazing as the movie itself. I will definitely check out your comic stuff - do you have posts about it here in your blog? I will head over and check it out!
It's so nice to find another fan of Chappie! I'll be soon ordering it in UHD for the full Gangsta experience. ^^ Die Antwood is so good and they were participating to a festival close to where I live (Musilac!). Surreal! So sorry for the late reply. I've been swamped with messages lately. I'm pretty sure you checked my stuff already as I believe I have seen one of your comments over there. Just in case, I'm working on Shades Of Men which I'm posting twice a week. I had nice feedback so far! Steemit is very welcoming.
very nice well done !
THANK YOU!! I really appreciate you checking it out and thank you for your comment @justmousepixels! :)
I'm a big fan of all these Directors. I really enjoyed your drawings.
Thank you very much - the drawings were a lot of fun to create! Thank you for taking the time to check them out :) I'm glad you enjoyed them @newstagefilms!
Very nice work. Love your style
Thanks @kiddarko - I appreciate you taking a peek and letting me know you liked them! Thank you :)
Tim Burton is my all time favorite director, but I love how you combined all 3 characters! Amazing work! Upped and followed!
Thank you Thank you @oceansoul13 - It was a lot of fun - thank you for taking the time to check it out and letting me know your thoughts! Have a great day!
Your welcome, dear! If you're interested in trying out something new, feel free to check out my TinyArtChallenge :D Good day to you too!
Hey this is cool! I will definitely try to submit something - I like the ones you featured - geez that little teeny tiny bottle lol - incredible - thanks for sharing!
I'm glad you think so :D Looking forward to your submission :D Yes, yes, they are so cute and amazing hehe Should I add you on our artist list?
You can! :) I will try to create something this week! :)
perfect drawing,follow back me please
Hey Thank you - You have some nice creativity there @rsphotowork - Thank you for taking the time to read my post and comment - I will keep an eye out for your posts :)
Great!! Love them all!
YAY! Thank you @jenniferhosein! I appreciate you letting me know and for taking the time to read! Have a great day :)
great post! fantastic drawings, so expressive and well executed. Although these aren't my favorite directors, they are certainly worthy of plenty of respect and are among the greats and I appreciated hearing about why you love their work.
Thank you! I mean - I get what you are saying - I personally LOVE movies, and I love a lot of them and a lot of different directors, but yeah, something about these three have always drawn me to their stuff, even from a child when I didn't know that the movies I was loving were all done by these guys - they were some of my favorites. I just felt they deserved a bit of my own appreciation. Thanks for reading and commenting - I really appreciate the feedback :)
I love your caricature, superb! Quentin rockssss! Life on planet earth is not complete until you watch at least one of his movie. I don't know how many times already I watch Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction.
YES - Reservoir Dogs - great movie! Haven't seen that one as many times as some of his others but I do really like that one! Thanks for taking the time to take a look at my work and provide feedback :)
Amazing Art! Quentin Tarantino makes awesome movies Period!
Yeaaaayah! lol He is the MAN! @firepower - thank you for checking out my illustrations man - I appreciate it!
nice drawings indeed! a great caricatural synthesis!
you could consider offering them for sale on my showcase https://steemit.com/steemit/@paolobeneforti/steemarket-is-online-buy-sell-your-artwork-for-steem
Thanks @paulobeneforti - I will definitely look into that :) Thank you for letting me know!! I appreciate you taking the time to look at my post and provide feedback - I really enjoyed your work too and look forward to seeing more!
I go for Quentin Tarantino. In fact, Pulp Fiction continues to be a source of inspiration for my loony fantasy novel.
I only wish I could draw like that.
I bet you could if you practiced enough ;) That's awesome that he is inspiring your fantasy novel - I bet it will be good - are you posting it here on steemit? I wanna read it!
A tap on the cover will take you to the start of the story if you still feel the temptation...Hi @j-vo. I certainly couldn’t draw like you, even if I practised till I dropped dead, ha ha. Going by the pics, you’ve got a natural flair for it, I think. I’d be honored if you had a look at the description of my story available over here: https://steemit.com/story/@arekwolf/quick-new-conspiratorial-story-blurb-what-do-you-think
Yeah man! I will check it out!! Thanks for sharing 😁
I'ld love to see a full series of directors... i suggest Hitchcok, Chapplin and Kubrick for a next post... of course if u are up to it.
Oooooohhh... those are good!!! I'm up for it! I will work on it and post soon, will probably take a couple weeks between all the crazy lol but I love this - thank you for giving me a challenge!
Amazing! Two of my favourite things, sketches and movies. Keep up!!! :D
Yay!! Me too! Thanks
Tarantino is great, as they say in the tv series entourage: "he steals only from the best"! In my opionion among the best there is reservoir dogs, a masterpiece!
Spielberg It is often too good, see the second part of A.I. that i didn't like it; but movies like Amistad and Catch Me If You Can are really beatuful!
Burton is a genius, batman triology on top!
My favorite director is Kubrick, simply diabolical & biting!
I loved A.I., but it was heartbreaking for me and still is.. I view it as more of a warning than a ideal future, but I agree with you - the ending bothered me too and left me a crumpled mess on the floor - lol
Burton is my like soul human lol I don't know why but as a young child I was so drawn to him and his movies - his style, everything.
I agree - Kubrick is a genius and I loved 2001 Space Odyssey. I was challenged above to do another series, and this time Kubrick will be one of them that I do.. so you should check back! It will take me some time, but I am definitely doing it!
Thanks for your comment and support :)HAHA @dexpartacus - love your username btw! - I love reservoir dogs - it was so good - gripping!
Thanx! A mix of two of my many favourites tv series! 😃
I will wait for the blog with Kubrick then!
Did you see Barry Lyndon?...wonderful!!
Unfortunately I did not succeed to upvote your post...Before I forgot to do it and now I came too late...😔