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RE: Happiness and Dreams

in #art7 years ago

Yeah I guess I can't even deal with every thought in my head at once, I often confuse myself and by writing it down I try to solve some of it. I totally get why this can be a lot at once and I try to make my posts a little more structured and better thought through. But I guess I learn as I go :)
Just so you know, I really love hearing other peoples' opinions on my posts so we can exchange our thoughts. Everyone experiences life and reality differently in my opinion because of our thoughts and feelings.
As you said you experienced a time where companies tried to make the employees feel like it is worth putting some of their (life)time into helping the company succeed. Since I only worked for a few weeks here and there in the past years it is not really my place to tell wether it still is like that for the companies I worked at or not but I can tell that so much of our life is spent at work that you need to feel connected to the companies success to be content. So I agree with you on that topic.
Dedication is a huge part of my life. I guess I am kind of a perfectionist and I actually want to excell at the things I do since otherwise I don't understand why I should dedicate time to something I am only doing halfheartedly (is this even a word in English? :D). Maybe it is just a personal preference but I think hobbies are more fun if you see yourself improving in some way or the other.
Now I get to the point where we obviously disagree. I get your point and if you look at it evolutionwise I think you are actually right. Humanity was able to survive because we were able to hunt, cook and to domesticate animals. And now here comes my "but": In my opinion we came to a point where we don't see the animal as a living being anymore. Animals like pigs and chickens are getting slaughtered by thousands every day and milk cows are treated like machines that need to be get rid off after four or five years of their lifetime because they don't give enough milk anymore. Other animals are killed for fashion which is totally unagreeable to me. I don't get why another living being has to die just so I can have a nice fur coat. We are not living in a world anymore where we have to kill to survive so I prefer not to support this industry. There are so many things going in the wrong direction in this world (at least in my opinion) that I don't know where to look at first. But for me personally the choices we do every day, like which food we buy, is something I have control over. I think we have to change our eating habits so humanity still will be able to sustain itself in the future but contrary to a lot of other vegans I don't think everyone must go vegan to do this. Food is still a personal choice for everyone and has so much to do with culture that I get why not everyone wants to give up meat and dairy. But I do think that it is necessary to be aware of what we eat, what impact it has on our and someone elses' life and what we are supporting with our choices. Ok I guess I should stop here, I am starting to ramble to much, I could go on and on about this topic a lot and I like to talk about things like that :D just a little addition: I don't think that vegans in general avoid being responsible for the slaughter of animals just because thy choose not to buy these products. It is just a try not to support cruelty with our money but since we are all human you could say we are all in this together.

I actually never heard of the term "Generation X" but since I definitely don't see myself as a millenial I guess I am more on the ther side of the spectrum.

About the dreams part: you put my thoughts better into words than I could have done it. But I don't really get the part why your niece isn't allowed to play in her garden. Maybe I feel too save because I never experienced something really tragic or bad that came into my life because of the bad will of other people. I don't know, maybe I have to live a few more years to truly understand that or it is just my nature to oversee that not everyone wants other people to be happy and let them their own free will.

I guess I should stop here, otherwise I could go on for a lot longer but this reply is already long enough :D but thanks a lot for your comment, I really appreciate it!:)


I live in Africa. Witchdoctors (sangomas) pay well for little girls who are blonde and blue-eyed, because they can use her liver, heart etc for making medicines that are stronger becuse those girls have more magic.

We are told we must respect the cultures of other people, so I guess it is not so terrible, as long as we try to see it from their point of view. Of course, seeing life from our point of view is not necessary from their side.

The genrations (as media refer to them, are)

Baby Boomers: Born, I think, from 1950 and later - their children are the
Millenials: (the less said about them, the better) but the next gen is
Generation X: your generation. They have rebelled against the previous generation and are not dedicated to 'instant gratification'. They are willing to study and work, and they are willing to debate with people who do not have exactly the same beliefs as they do.

Ah okay now understand why your niece isn't allowed to play in the garden. But still it is kind of sad why not both sides could respect each others cultures.
Thanks a lot for informing me about these terms. I guess I will look into that a little bit more by myself, these words are not so often used or explained in Germany.:)