Alien sketching - and not only alien

in #art6 years ago

Hi, guys!

As I complained in my previous post it's still super rainy, and it's super hard for me to create something serious. I just feel too sleepy, too forceless to create with serious mediums, or to spend too much time drawing the same picture. Even now I'm trying not to fall asleep while writing this post and I relly hope that this text will have less than 100 mistakes in it cause I hardly can see the keyboard. I suppose it's not normal, and I already went to see my doctor to receive some corrections to my medication plan, hope it'll work. 

So, no serious mediums, just black liner and only a few markers here:)

See you in the next post!

Love, Inber


Still a great drawing. They want to take the shape of monsters

This is so beautiful! thanks for post it. Me hiciste recordar viejos y nuevos tiempos con Star Wars e incluso con World of Warcraft. <3