colored pencil on paper, 4" x 6",
A Steemian Friend asked me to do a drawing for his birthday. I agreed. I asked him for his birth-chart info, so I could get to know him a little better.
Basically, the meaning of the drawing says to me that his greatest gift he could give to himself would be to take time out to meditate, as his Higher Self has the information he needs to understand his life and what he should do on a daily basis.
This is shared by the hand symbolism. His hands show him as the chalice waiting to receive information, and his Higher Self gives him the information, in the form of the diamond or the capstone to his reversed triangle - she provides the blade on top of the chalice shape... other symbols in the drawing include the 7 stars - the 7 hermetic principles of the kybalion... and heart - compassion, with wings - the Holy Spirit - compassion in action, and infinity - access to the all necessary information through time and the moon - intuition.
My friend is a Pisces with Virgo Rising - so he is a male, guided by the Feminine Principle - so he should embrace it by getting to know it more fully in Quiet time, resting his left brain.
I told him that if he wants the drawing, I will send it to him... I just need his address - sent to me at in2itiveart at gmx dot com.
Another good one.
Very nice gift, and very generous of you!
Hey thanks!!! That’s sweet of u to say
There's something about this drawing that reminds me of a few very particular scenes from a tv series called The OA, i'm not sure what it is though... Probably the colors. Anyhow you're really talented, that's a really beautiful drawing. Have a great day.
really? that is so funny! I have seen a few episodes of that. So interesting that your subconscious would put those 2 together.
I don`t know how to say thank you to you for this drawing and it is really amazing work you have done and thank you again it is one of the special gift i have from you brother.
I’m your sister...and it was my pleasure- just pay it forward
haha. i thought u r brother, but still thanks again dear.
Good art
Modern line and classic composition. Very nice :)