
in #art7 years ago

Tonight I find myself contemplating life; I've always had this impression that I see Life in a very different way than most people. Perhaps, I just think about it more. I think that most people grab what happiness they can find and keep themselves entertained with their job, their friends and family. I suppose there's nothing wrong with that but I tend to think of life as an odyssey. An adventure where someone's path is their own making with its own challenges and where anything can happen. Actually if in m-theory is accurate then everything that can happen must happen but I digress. It breaks my heart to look at this world because it is just so beautiful every leaf, plant and creature is a world unto itself if you look close enough. Our fleeting existence matters so much more because it's very short. We comprehend the cosmos and from that we extrapolate art, poetry and philosophy. One day our species will be no more even our great sculptures and buildings will one day erode. That makes every moment so precious because our experience of time is linear. Time in and of itself is I believe is its own physical dimension where all that has been and will be exist all at once. We just can't access it. Who knows perhaps even time will one day cease to be.20171204_190638_HDR-1.jpg