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RE: 'Just Wondering' 💭💡

in #art8 years ago

I was wondering after reading this post...what was it's purpose?
Is this just a promotion for your art?
Was this a conversation starter for better time management?

I am confused @robbieallenart . What was the intention behind this post?

Besides all the confusion...HERE! Take my upvote :)


@ibraheem Thank you for your comment and upvote! Well firstly this wasn't a planned post, I just felt like writing after drawing. The intention at the time was to simply discuss a topic which was on my mind, which was 'time, 'time-management' 'focus', 'attention' and 'productivity' which came about during and after creating this sketch.

Along with art, I am interested in a number of topics such as psychology, philosophy, which I would like to combine with my sketches and create a conversation with the viewer and hopefully inspire positive action and creation!

I do want to start conversations with topics on my mind, and combine it with my art (as I am an Artist) and have this skill to add to the topic and conversation that I initiate. I am at the beginning stages of this, so I'm sure there is plenty of room for improvement. And any critique is welcome! I think I can probably improve upon this in the future by adding more than one sketch or drawing to each post, including more obvious and relevant sketches with the written content. In this case, the girl I have sketches is 'thinking', or 'wondering'. Without my commentary, I guess the viewer would question, "what is she thinking, or wondering?". But then again, I have read so far that it is a good idea to post short, to-the-point and easily digestible posts.

@robbieallenart I am very interested to see you perfect the art of blending your art with topics that you want to discuss. Your journey will be a very interesting one to witness. Best wishes!