#7 My Drawing of Justin Bieber and why I'd be a new fan

in #art3 months ago

At my age I wouldn't believed that I could be a fan of Justin Bieber😂

Hey, are you a fan of JB? Well to honest, when he started his career with his hit song "Baby" many girls at my age or even younger than me loves Justin. I do remember his signature look of his bangs was like an iconic look of that year. Many teenager boys did that haircut so that they can look like Justin. Aside from his look, his voice can't be compare but his talent was definetly a good catch for those people who discover Justin.

However it is a drawing blog but I can't help myself to talk more about Justin. Last year, his music caught my attention and lead me to know that what his been through all this year. His married life and his life with Christ made me to follow his journey and music. When I heard his song entitled "Lonely", he wrote it very deep and it was genuinely about his life. At a young age with money and fame, still he fills empty and lonely. That song were just a sad part for being popular artist worldwide.

Musically his voice didn't sound so good unlike before. I don't know if that was just me but right now I really admire his vocals. At his age he has a lot of unfinished journey not just in music, family but also a new follower of Jesus. Though his past wasn't perfectly beautiful that leave scars, all of us can be awake from that bad dream and to have a freedom from guilt, sin and shame.

So for today, I tried to flex my hands and practice atleast thrice a week on drawing. I looked for latest photo of him and find this. As i said before I am not comfortable to draw men. Their face structure was hard for me to achieve but still I'd chose to try it. I do struggle and the fact while I am doing this I wanted to stop if I wasn't able to draw a bit closer to my reference.


I used grid lines, graphite pencil, and some make up brushes to smudge the tonal value of my drawing. His eyes can be compare to a woman eyes. His got a nice looking eye lashes that I don't see on men. His nose and lips are like perfectly structure. No wander why many girls has a crush on him.

The funny side of it I sang his song while doing this. My favorite song is "Anyone" from his new album "Justice".


This was my first time to draw an angle like this. Aside from that drawing hair was my weakest part but still in process of learning the right way to achieve more realistic look. Shading the skintone was a big challenge for me cause my I used a rough paper.

I tried to blend the color of his hair using make up brush, HB, 4B pencil and white ballpen for eye highlight.



It took more or less 3 hours to finish the whole drawing and my paper size was 6x9. This is the final look and think I have to practice even more to achieve a closer look at my chosen reference. Thanks for reading my story today, keep safe everyone! Gracias ❤