
You should create post to #introducemyself. It is good for starting on steemit... You can gain some first sbd and supporting followers

I'll give that a try! Thank you for the advice. I'm still trying to get used to how this platform works and I really appreciate any help I can get!

I´m using it for 2 months. And the most of informations I gained from wallets of other steemians. Study their transactions. After you gain some sbd it is good to use some voting bots to boost your steem power.

This is wow. Love your work. You are real artist!


Thank you, Mr. Patrick! I'm glad you like it

Hey holysprite. Welcome home! <3 your work. New here as well. Pls keep posting what you feel inspires you. Loving this

Thank you for the kind note :) Us newbies have to stick together!