Hello Steemians,
When we are dreaming, we see a lot of images. Sometimes you see more images then you can remember.
This series called ,Daily Favorit' picks out my daily favorit of all pictures created with the deeplearning algorithm.
Because these pieces are really special i will give each his own name. Enjoy the following piece!
Hallo Freunde,
Wenn wir träumen, flutet uns eine Vielzahl an Bildern. Manchmal sehen wir mehr, als wir überhaupt in unserem Gedächtnis abspeichern können.
Diese Serie mit dem Namen ,Daily Favorit' wird tagtäglich ein von mir, mit Hilfe von Deeplearing Algorithmen, erschaffenes Werk präsentieren, welches zu den ganz Besondern zu zählen ist.
Da diese besonderen Stücke wirklich so außergewöhnlich sind, bekommt ein jedes Werk seinen eigenen Namen. Ich hoffe euch erfreut der Anblick.
'From the Outer-Space'
I want to use this chance to talk a few words about our project @uniquecosmos. As many of you will allready know, we are trying to bring this art on to different materials and into the living rooms of the world.
At this moment we are buildiung our webshop and checking out the best way to produce our artworks. Be sure there will be more news soon.
If you want to know more about this just visit @UniqueCosmos or read this little exposure from our Vision:
While the modern art lover is often confronted with the question ,Is this art, or can we put this away?’ ,UniqueCosmos digs deeper, asking for the philosophic question if the expression of creativity in form of art is restricted to human beings. From our point of view, the results of our work obviously answer this question. To define art surely lies in the eye of the beholder, but the by machine learning created artworks from UniqueCosmos show a new form of emotional (techmotional) expression.
@hereforawhile Whats the starting point for art that is created using machine learning? Does it start from scratch, or does the program have to be guided to create?
Such a great art tho I want to see how it was made. Thank you for sharing this @hereforawhile! It brightens up my new year. Happy steeming and have a happy new year!!!
Beautiful piece, wish I had it hanging on my wall already.
verynice art
I love this selfupvoting comment spammers. Not.
Very interesting experience, thanks for sharing his information ..