Painting peacock is a strenuous work on account of its colorful body. You need to have much time to do it, odd moment is unavailable. Because you need to paint it layer after layer, and I feel the process is akin to the process of watercolor. Sometimes you color it when the paper is dry completely, sometimes you color it when the paper is not dry completely. So you have to be very very careful when you do it. Today I continue to color the peacock I painted last time using the ink.
Now let's start it.
Material 工具:
Chinese brushes 毛笔 5只
Chinese painting color : white, yellow, bright red, ochre, cinnabar, Ultramarine, cobalt blue, pale blue, rouge
国画颜料 : 白粉,藤黄,三青,朱镖,赭石,花青,朱砂,钴蓝,群青,普蓝,胭脂
Xuan Paper (raw) 生宣纸
Chinese ink 墨汁
Wool felt 羊毛毡
Small tray for washing brushes 笔洗
The Process 过程:
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At first glance, I thought it was real. Nice work!
Thank you so much ! @hiroyamagishi :)
比不了 helene的画,这个孔雀真的太漂亮了,看过黑白的我就盼着上了颜色的,比我想象中的更美更逼真,五体投地真心的
我觉得还是 helene的画好
這幅畫就只差把字題上去了~~ :D
Good work, I like your selection of colors! :-)
Wow! That's an amazing piece of art. Love the details on the peacock feathers.
Awesome piece of work. You have magic on your hand !!
Upvoted !Wow! It looks real @helene !
Excelente, saludos y bendiciones!
Wow, you have pure talent
So beautiful! I'm glad you found time to work on it and post an update here. Thanks! :)
It is really nice, ver colourful!
thanks. have a nice day
wow! what an amazing talent.
Good work dear thanks for sharing keep it up
I love this.. Original
amazing art. i like it. hope that people of all ages like it. so thanks for sharing..great job
Great I wish I can paint like that
Highly evocative and richly detailed. Well done!
This takes much patience and skill. Thank you for sharing your lovely peacock and your process.
Thank you for sharing! Very impressive work!
Your skill is excellent.
Wow! Nice work. Artistic. Keep it up.
Steem on!
That's nice technique. Has traditional style.
Wow amazing .
Lovely work
So beautiful art
I'll try to make this
I am so impressed.
I am also a artist but i really like your work
I am new here. Visit my profile .
你不止是旅遊 飲食高手 , 還是藝術高手.
Beautiful artwork. Well done
Good job, it must take long time?
Very artistic.
Hola @helene tu arte es hermoso, me ha gustado mucho, el detalle de las plumas es impresionante, también me encanta dibujar, te seguiré de seguro aprenderé mucho de tí, saludos
Is the nice picture..
Nice picture.. @helene
Superb drawing, what minutia in the colors and details!
hi i havebi24454 newcomer commodities steemit, i want to share info about east aceh indonesia.
Beautiful! Do check my posts if you got time.
Really nice work and detail - keep it up
Nice Art :) looks very realistic <3 keep up the goodwork!
..dear..@helene..your post is wondarful..&..awsome picture.i like your post...&...i like art..thank you so much fo sharing....@helene
Woooow esta muy radical, me encanta el pintado! Saludos desde Venezuela de parte de otra artista :)
I came across your sketch of the peacock yesterday without any color in it and it looked great! Now to see it with the color it looks amazing! Keep up the good work!
This is super nice!
@dressedtokillyou you should check it out 💚
i like that, it so beautifull ,
great your illustration. I will see you from now on and I will support you I hope to learn from your technique is very versatile. I hope you support me. regards
wait, you sketched it with charcoal and then colored it with water? wow ... you're lucky it didn't get all smeared up!
great neat work btw!
thank you dear! ^_^
I sketched it with light ink and dark ink. To be honest, its mouth and eyes I painted were not good, were smeared if you watch carefully....
Really nice painting. Posted some photos. Maybe u wanna take a look at my blog to make a painting of
Your art is fantastic!
It's beautiful! At first I thought it was fancywork. Great job!
Thank you Facebook, I can now farm without going outside, cook without being in my kitchen, feed fish I don't have & waste an entire day without having a life.
Greetings. It is a very nice technique. A beautifull Illustrator