Made some arts out of some of the pics from the phone. It was pretty fun to make these. I'm getting out of the house for a little bit this evening to clear the mind then will come back. Make some music, then wind down.
I'm just gonna drink coffee and make some tune stuff on the iPad while out. Just have a relaxing time. First day of Spring has been alright. Still allot of snow, at the same time feel like I'm charging right up!!
Wherever I go I take pictures to make art of later. So I always have some spare photography in store to make art with. Other than that I'm thinking allot. Trying to stay calm yet energetic. Keeping myself stable by doing things like getting more of the musical instruments together and sorting them all out. Doing some cleaning and organizing. Clears the mind. Spring cleaning time is here! Alright well I gotta go for now. This is my little artistic update!!
oh my my this is so so lovely, i love these colorful patterns i cant help but save for some of my photoshop designs. they are really amazing
Ok but these particular pics are lo-fi. If you think you could buff them then go ahead
the art is incredible@havok777
Hello! I find your post valuable for the art community! Thanks for the great post! ARTzone is now following you! ALWAYs follow @artzone and the artzone tag, and support our artists!
Beautiful colors, awesome pics!
a masterpiece, the picture perfect
excellent art!
excellent art share, photography art is very nice,

i like your art design
wow! really amazing art nice colour and wonderful photography. thanks for sharing