The world is colorless. You could say that all the color we see does not exist. It is a perception. The objects have the characteristic of absorbing certain parts of the light spectrum. The light that is not absorbed is sent back and transmits different color stimuli to that of the general ambience. When these stimuli reach the organ of sight, it produces a sensation of color.
The white light is formed by three basic colors: red, green and blue. This phenomenon was discovered by Issac Newton by passing a ray of white light through a prism of glass, this beam of light was divided into a spectrum of colors identical to that of the rainbow.
How do the colors appear? From the three primary colors. The eye has three types of visual cells, which govern three different types of sensations, corresponding to the primary colors (blue, green and red). A code of three is formed for each color sensation
These colors do not arise from the mixture of any color, that's why they are primary colors. Secondary colors are those that are formed from the mixture, in equal parts, of two primary (ie: from the mixture of blue and yellow comes green, red and yellow, orange and red and blue, violet ). On the other hand, tertiary colors are formed by mixing, in equal parts, a primary color with an adjacent secondary color. Thus, this combination results in violet red, orange red, orange yellow, greenish yellow, greenish blue and violet blue.
VEO, VEO ¿QUÉ COLOR VES? El mundo es incoloro. Se podría decir que todo el color que vemos no existe. Es una percepción. Los objetos poseen la característica de absorber determinadas partes del espectro lumínico. La luz que no es absorbida se remite y transmite diferentes estímulos de color al de la ambientación general. Al llegar estos estímulos hasta el órgano de la vista, nos produce una sensación de color.
La luz blanca está formada por tres colores básicos: rojo, verde y azul. Este fenómeno fue descubierto por Issac Newton al hacer pasar un rayo de luz blanca por medio de un prisma de cristal, este haz de luz se dividió en un espectro de colores idéntico al del arco iris.
¿Cómo aparecen los colores? A partir de los tres colores primarios. El ojo cuenta con tres tipos de células visuales, que rigen tres tipos diferentes de sensaciones, correspondientes a los colores primarios (azul, verde y rojo). A partir de ellos se forma para cada sensación de color un código de tres partes.imagen-colores-luz-pigmento-01
Estos colores no surgen de la mezcla de ningún color, por eso son colores primarios. Los colores secundarios son aquellos que se forman de la mezcla, por partes iguales, de dos primarios (es decir: de la mezcla del azul y el amarillo surge el verde, del rojo y amarillo, el naranja y del rojo y azul, el violeta). Por su parte, los colores terciarios se forman con la mezcla, por partes iguales, de un color primario con uno secundario adyacente. Así, de esta combinación resulta el rojo violáceo, rojo anaranjado, amarillo anaranjado, amarillo verdoso, azul verdoso y azul violáceo.
#colortheory #Frametoframe #coursephotography #art #spanish #
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Excelente artículo, esta información me será de gran ayuda. Muchas gracias @harmaa Continúa creciendo...
Buena suerte en esta plataformaMuchas gracias @jorgekohen, un placer contar con lectores como tu.
Color has become so commercialized that the actual colors and how they are understood has become skewed. Color theory is a real science, but the industry’s marketing strategies have caused broad confusion.
I too composed a blog about color theory. It’s an older post, so please don’t waste an upvote on it. However, here’s a link to it, if you’re interested:
Thank you @momzillanc , take a look to see what you propose in the post since the subject interests me a lot
I thought your post was a good basic overview for introducing someone to the topic of beginning color science study.
from what I have been able to see is a very good introduction in this interesting fieldYes @momzillanc,
Welcome to Steemit. It's really a good platform for the nurturing authors and for the people who want to share their good work with the world. You'll surely have a nice time here. Lots of good wishes and good luck to you!! :):)
Good luck in this great plataformHello @Freebirdklushboo , Thanks for your words.
Gran post, cada dia aprendo mas en esta grandiosa plataforma.
Gracias amigo, un placer participar en esta plataforma y tener lectores como tu.
@harmaa, A warm welcome to Steemit. This is a great community and I know you will have a great time here.
good story