Celarg. Appreciate life
Today we went to a monologue in the CELARG (Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos Rómulo Gallegos, Caracas. Venezuela)
This is a humorous play called "La Célula", in aid of: Fundaseno. We really loved this production that teach us about cancer, how to prevent it and how our position must be if we are facing, we know someone who is facing or if anytime of our life we passed through this disease. It gives a lot of motivation, other view about cancer and about life. In this monologue we learned to love life, to smile every time we got the chance, to love, give love and recieve love no matter what.
As soon as we left the theater, we went to the gallery and took some photos of works that we love and we want to share them with you. We hope you like them just as us.
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