Hey guys!
I hope you had a beautiful day, as yesterday I promised you today I reveal the portrait that for a couple of days ago I was doing, for this occasion I made a very dear Steemian, he is @exyle, I really appreciate your attention and cordiality.
I hope you like it!
Drawing Gif Process

I hope you enjoyed it!
Thanks for watching my blog.

O wow! That looks great. Thank you so much!
It's a pleasure for me, thanks to you @exyle
First of all i want to appreciate your talent because, it's really amazing and you really thrown life in this art, and many people miss this liveliness, art is great but, when we see lively art that really creates great effect in our mind. Thanks for sharing this post with us and keep doing this artistic work. Wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂
Thank you very much, it is so nice to read these words... thanks @chireerocks
Welcome and thank you. 🙂
This is soo beautiful and accurate. you did great.
Added to our curation list.
Courtesy of @nmalove
WoW Thank you very much for the support @artzone and @nmalove < 3
The work is great. and the eyes are very striking, it's what I like about a portrait.
Thank you very much @francisftlp
Nicely done! Also enjoyed the GIF you included showing your progression in the creation of the portrait. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you so much @jazzassyone
a great psychological hugWuo wuo we have here @gvand, great your work is brutal, I would like to draw me hehehehe
The psychological hug was well received LOL uhmmm might think about drawing you < 3
Jejeje wua de panita I appreciate it @gvand, I hope to see your result I know what I do very well ;)
That's a nice one as always. I just noticed now but do you always start with the eyes?
Usually I always start with my eyes, but when it's full body I like to start with my hands (it's what I'm most lazy to do), thanks for your comment :)
Me gusta mucho tu estilo.
En este dibujo me llama la atención en particular sus ojos y sus labios. Excelente dibujo ;)
Eres una artista muy talentosa ;)
Saludos desde Puerto la Cruz.Ey @gvand.
I really like your style.
In this drawing I am particularly struck by his eyes and lips. Excellent drawing ;)
You are a very talented artist;)
Greetings from Puerto la Cruz.Hey @gvand
Creo que en eso fue donde más puse empeño jajajja muchas gracias @amartinez321
Amazing portrait!
Thank you @sweettais