This is my first post on Steemit (nervous breathing) here goes...
First of all, this is the second thread I've seen on Steemit, and the amazing formatting and framing of everything kinda threw me off guard :P I really enjoyed your post and would like to add my 2 cents on the subject.
I have been thinking about a clear cut definition for art for as long as I can remember. So I'm grateful that my first comment here is on something I actually greatly care about.
I respectfully disagree with the notion that art and science straddle a thin line; to me they are on opposite sides of the spectrum. Just because you can find beauty in something, does not mean that that something is art. Then again I understand why someone would argue that, as it is a simple and elegant way of explaining things.
Why are science and art on opposite sides of the spectrum?
I would say science is all about finding the truth. It's all about cold hard facts. Whereas art allows for its observers to create their own truths and facts. And the beauty of it is: no one is wrong when interpreting art.
To me, art is what makes us human. It is anything and everything that you can express yourself by. And that something you create prompts an emotional response (however small and insignificant) in observers of said creation. I like this "definition" because it's still talking about art in wide strokes, it encompasses a lot of things (music, writing etc) whilst excluding the scientific method and everything that goes with it.
In conclusion, I want to say that - for me - creation is the greatest thing us humans have. Creating something out of nothing is just amazing to me. And then that something could affect other people's lives in ways you couldn't even imagine. And that, is art. :)
Great response. Art can be about finding truth too though.
Indeed. This goes back to the whole flimsy definition of art however. It can truly be anything and everything the observer/listener wishes it to be.
The old "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder".
Also I just wanna say that "truth" has been so distorted lately. This new information age we live in has given every person on the planet a platform where they can make their own truths. Can we honestly say there is objective truth anymore? A topic for another time.
But yeah, of course, art can be about finding truth if intended. In my opinion and experience however, I have found that more often than not, art is about interpretation rather than author intent. Which in itself is a beautiful thing.
case and point! a mathematician, artist or inventor starts to create something it is all complete rational art that's slowly progresses, with each pass you reduce the denominator to the point where you start to have substance for example in programming an artificial intelligence neural network, there is no set guideline other than the fundamentals you go through a trial and error phase where you set each node with different weight values and feed the network tons of data each time that database returns with a different variable and you adjust the weights accordingly now you do this till your values stabilize every AI system is different so their is definitely art in the process of programming , Now inventing is complete art because you start with this abstract idea that slowly through ones creative processes turns in to a concrete creation that started out of bits and peaces and is forged in to a calculated final product.@grocko I too respectfully disagree but my disagreement is with your statement that both science and art are at opposite ends of the spectrum,