Hello, steemians! This is my very first entry to Art Explosion Contest. I made a mask that is always used by those killers. They likely to hide their faces in their bloody mask. I am wondering, what if someone killed the killer with a bloody mask too. I made this because I want to eliminate those bad guys around us. Yay! I think it is very impossible. But for me, I know that one day, the killers would wake up in their fantasy in killing their fellowmen and change their lives.
Who killed the killer by @greatestbastard.

The one who killed the killer is a killer!😅
Lol! I was there to put that sentence tho. 😂
We'll never know. In this age, it's hard to determine who is who. We can easily plant evidence. The truth will reveal itself? Who's truth? Which truth are we going to believe?
How did you come up with the mask? Is it a paper-mache?
It is a carton then I cut it out.
True that! We can never identify who is who or which is which.
Looking at it closely, it is indeed carton lol! Nicely done. I like the first photo but the second one is nice too because of a more eerie vibe to it.
Oh?? So the first photo caught you man? Hehe. By the way thanks man. Will follow you bro.