Before this daily challenge I would always write on paper and and scribble and scratch out, then transcribe. We have my paper and noted pads everywhere. With time pressure I have learnt to think at a screen.
When I first started on steemit I seldom used a computer at all, even when I worked I had paper notes. My early posts were all transcribed. I had a huge 6000 word intro, or maybe second post, it was all copied across with 2 finger typing, and because of my unique short hand I had to do it all myself.
It is different kind of thinking I'm sure. I'm convinced that our brain works differently when using a device. I can't spell, if I am writing I just scribble a guess that sometimes I can't even decipher later. When I type it in to check, often the words comes to me clearly.
I rewrote this in my best printing. 😊
This particular day felt like a bit of a cheat. I know haikus have structured form and should reference nature with breaks and epiphanies. I took advantage of a syllabic count and wrote to a friend. I didn't have the strength to even type, so I thank you dear critic for finding a constructive angle to comment. I commend your efforts in this contest. I have enjoyed listening in to you read in class too, t is great to be a part of it. I have to get chatting in the general channel so I can comment on the class feed. It was me that dropped the Poe raven on Daniel BTW, I forget how long it is sorry, it made my day to hear it though. I love it.
I am hopeless at chitchat in forums, I will just have to write random hellos to people in the general chat or strange random statements, that is more my style...
I'm glad you are there. I don't often get to see what's in the general chat. I guess I'm a little bit of the opposite of your experience, as I'm usually confined to the audio Channel and don't get to see what's going on in the chats.