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RE: Explore | New Art

in #art5 years ago

Morning Red. The plan was to post on Instgram. I have an account from a while back that I've not used for a while.

I thought about posting on NFT showroom but there doesn't seem to be much traditional art on there. It's primarily digital. And, there doesn't seem much point if I don't get into the creating habit again anyway. That was why I started the challenge. Trying to get back into it.

All my art stuff is in the attic and it's been way too hot up there but I've lost my motivation anyway. I got going for a couple of days, even wrote a post for Hive about it, but I never posted it and when the warmer weather came back I stopped again.

My daughter has asked me to paint a picture for their house so once I get stuck into that, maybe I'll get into it again.

Just had a thought . . . maybe it would help to get a creative buddy again who wants to hang out in the attic. I really got into the art when I had a friend who came round every Tuesday but he moved away.

I'll look forward to following along with your efforts though. I think your art would be perfect for the NFT showroom. 💙


As far as I know, if you digitalize your Art (ie photograph it), that could work too :) When you're feeling more inspired and more in the flow, definitely ask them on Discord!

And I like that thought, definitely keep going with it!! It always helps to have a creative buddy, the attic sounds like a cool spot to create,when it's cooler ;).

Thank you for the encouragement, I hope you start creating again soon. Such a wonderful therapeutic practice, that we surely need especially during these times. And also hope to see you posting on Hive again, I used to do that, write up a post but not post it. I'm sure the community would love to see you post again :)

On an unrelated note, I just organized a last minute 1 year memorial for Rod, a few of us are meeting on Monday 31st in the High Street Kensington area, like the old days. Let me know if you may be able to join us, can add you to the groupchat :)

Aw. The meet up would have been lovely but we're having a family day so won't be able to make it. We've missed so much together time this year. I can't wait for us all to be together. We've only managed it once since the beginning of lockdown so really looking forward to it.

You can digitize art for the showroom, I already asked, but I'm not sure there's a market for it at this point. I'd rather wait and see if any more traditional stuff gets added. I'd also like to be creating regularly before I spend the time to teach myself how to tokenise and add it to the showroom. I'd maybe need to be posting again in order to get whitelisted.

I'll see how I go when the weather draws me indoors more. At the moment I'm loving the wild seas on the windy days and the beach and swimming on the calm ones. 😊

No worries, have a beautiful time with family! Don't blame you, must be sooo lovely to live near the sea. The few trips we could make to the seaside have been amazing, we actually have to move homes soon, and if for whatever reason, we can't stay local, we are going to move closer to the sea for sure :D Take care lovely