Great post Serste! I want to mention in particular the BIRD! Because it made me laugh ! I found the way you transformed the conversation is brilliant funny and so refreshing ! Only evenetually i noticed the bird theme was there set from before and it made sense and lost magic :D
Well done making the video about your alien, I should try something like that :D I love to see work progress ! Sometimes it cuts my inspiration to pause for screenshots thou.. gotta work on that :D
I am so happy you got a Currie upvote! I hope they will follow you till you die !
They have great curration shows for art and an amazing community i am proud and happy to be part time part of :D
You should also check @minnowsupport
HAve a great week! Love from Prague

How are you? And your girls?
Harvest is done, I have some photos:
Thank you for the advice! I will try to keep up with this blog!
Screenshotting while drawing is, indeed, annoying, but I would love to observe your process again!
To me it's also a way to have a better look at my progresses and errors...
HUGS from Appennino!
That harvest must have been a plenty of work! It must be great to work and live in the nature thou.. i was driving around the city today and it is so smelly! And that is only Prague, relatively clean i love how the buds spiral around the stalk on the bottom right picture! Lol how tall is that plant comparing to you! And your hands must be smelling nice now ;D And im promoting
I have just finished playing some music for the crowd in PAL Discord. The pirate waves techno set :D there are people talking about art right now! I love MSP! my home on steemit.
Anyways to answer you.. :D I get easily carried away... // the girls are good, i had 4 days with them alone - Iara went to Berlin.. bonding time.. it is good for all of us. Iara gets rest and the girls more daddy time.. also become less dependent on mother... good for all of us... and now I have little bit more time 4 myself :D
It will be great when we will be able to watch people drawing live on dada..