I remember Gutsman being the first monster to defeat b/c he was the easiest ... But, the clay monster later in the game was my ultimate nemesis.
You're doing a great job with these!
I remember Gutsman being the first monster to defeat b/c he was the easiest ... But, the clay monster later in the game was my ultimate nemesis.
You're doing a great job with these!
Thanks FT -- I actually never played MM1 all the way through - kind of gave up midway - even though I had the benefit of using a PC emulator. MM2 was my favourite - as you can tell I'm kind of skipping around the series on a whim.
Still getting my mind wrapped around the program and getting more efficient in weeding out problems before they get out of hand... I also noticed my texture tiling isn't seamless on the top of the rock platform... Little things like that.
Thanks again for all your support sir! :D