Feed your creativity! - (2 tips to improve your drawing skills)

in #art4 years ago (edited)

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I want to write about how to feed your creativity, not only for those times when you feel kinda lost, but also in a daily basis, it's really important to keep your mind creating and fighting against those blocking barriers on our minds, so I will try to explain a couple of exercises that work really well for me.

Tip No 1:

This one is one of my favorites for how simple and how fun it is to practice, I've been using this since I was a kid and the results are always amazing, you only need a piece of paper and a couple of pens.
You start by drawing a random shape, it doesn't matter it its geometric, organic or whatever you want ( if you have different sizes of pens you can draw the main shape with a thicker pen).
Then you start trying to create a creature, a monster, a face, some kind of character and you will find yourself creating some spooky creatures in a blink of an eye.
Here are a couple of examples I made.



Tip No 2:

This one is a bit more complex and it also takes a bit more time, but at the end the result is really great, and you can learn an amazing technique to fill your illustrations.
You have to start with a with drawing, just the shape, it could be whatever you want, I always prefer organic shapes, such as animals or plants. In this case I;m gonna show it with a whale. After you have your shape created (my whale) you start just filling it with lines and dots, you can try to be precise with lights and shadows but its not necessary at the beginning and the final result will be awesome too. As you can see all the lines and dots ended up giving some kind of texture and depth to the illustration creating a unique piece with a great personality in it. You can leave the drawing just in black and white or you can add some colors at the end, I always pain my drawings in a digital format because it's easier and you can try a lot of different options.
Here is the example of the whale in black and white and also in colors.



Hope you find this post useful and keep creating, amazing stuff.
If you decide to put this tips in practice and upload you art please tag me or let me know, I'd love to see them.



Ha! I needed something cute, funny and light hearted right now. Thank you very much

Thanks for passing by, hope this tips help you to create what you want :)

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