My favorite pastime is to draw!

in #art7 years ago

Hello steemit community!
Today I want to share some of my work with you, since I was young I liked drawing and painting a lot. My works are not professional, but I think they fit me, my creations always fit the criteria and perspective of the person.

I remember that as a young man I had the intention of dedicating myself professionally to painting and drawing but a high school teacher told me to take it as a hobby (because in my country they do not give fair value to this art), today I wonder what It would have happened if I had followed my dreams. I ended up being a professional musician another of my passions "The music".

I think that drawing and painting is an art in which everyone can express how he sees the world, in the best way he can. Always with me I charge a sheet and a paper, if I'm in the bank drawing, if I'm bored drawing, if I'm stressed drawing. Drawing is the best way to disconnect from the world.
This drawing is the interpretation of each one, I try to draw wild dogs running, when I show it to others, they tell me they are wolves, horses, hyena, etc ... hahaha. The important thing is to make people think.



Living is the art of living without a draft.

Happy and blessed day.