A Digital Piece of "Pinky"

in #art3 years ago

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Yesterday when I was about completing this piece, I felt a strong urge to listen to Enya's 'Caribbean Blue' and ever since even till this moment, I can't stop it. I think I have an ear worm.....lol
So I decided to attach with this post a link to that masterpiece....do enjoy it....

I got inspired to make this piece because I saw a very nice impression by the artist who created this posture of Pinky and felt like doing something in the same light but different. He used a more doped up effect and the character was almost metallic but I made mine simple and with beautiful eyes😁. I've come to learn a lot these past few weeks in which I started this study and I sincerely appreciate your visits....

Funny how most people classify Pinky as a dullard but truthfully speaking, he is like Watson to Sherlock Holmes. The sitcom is a typical Don Quixote stereotype and I'm glad they were able to add that as an episode in Season 1 Episode 12 titled "Mouse of La Mancha".....

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The procedure....
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Thanks for stopping by.