I Have No Pimp

in #art7 years ago

I have no daddy issues or low self-esteem.

Nobody made me do this.

I’m not doing this to make guys (or girls) like me. I actually know that guys like the more innocent girl next door type.

I chose to do this because I enjoy it.

Many have tried to suppress me. Even I have tried to suppress myself at times.

I’m not doing this to provoke or spite people. I thoroughly enjoy creating my own form of self expression and art, the fact that it makes some people butt hurt, is just a bonus.

There is no glass ceiling to break or any political agenda behind my work.

This is just me, doing me, for me.

I found my niche a long time ago, and I’m not going to abandon it any time soon.

Peace out.


To some, you would not appear to be the girl next door type. At first glance. However, with your family values, good relationship with parents, loyalty to your friends and honest to a fault, you have some of the qualities of a great person and potential partner. You are just going through your teenage years a little later than some.

I think the first time ever I was called the girl next door -type was like a month ago by a photographer who was stalking me, you might remember those few sets of photos. We actually talked about that one for quite a while because it's not something I ever identified myself with.

It's funny that I actually joke around with my mom all the time that I must barely be a teenager, because she herself is so youthful and energetic for her age. Like damn, she is 50+ and started a new hobby, ICEHOCKEY two years ago, crazy. So I don't think my teenage shenanigans are going to end any time soon ;)

The "girl next door type" can be interpreted many ways. I just see you as a great person, not as any "type". I don't like labels anyway. And my comment on going through the teenage years later than some? Well, the teenage years are a good thing. You explore, do what you want and what is considered outside the norm. That definitely is a good thing. Most people conform and are miserable. You are not a conformist.
So, I hope you continue your "teenage" years and do what makes you happy. Maybe someday soon, when someone thinks of the "girl next door type", it could be you they aspire to be. I think of it that way.

You are just going through your teenage years a little later than some.

That judgment cannot be made based on what she's written. @eveuncovered has written something to the effect that she's somewhat hot-tempered and that she's got very strong emotions. Despite that, she doesn't strike me as unaware of herself or directionless in any way like teenagers often are. On the contrary, she seems to understand herself well and have a pretty good sense of her values and identity. Her lifestyle choices seem to reflect that awareness perfectly. That's what I find interesting in what she reveals about and of herself. I really like much of the photography, too. (Not the skin in itself, though, because the Internet has exabytes of that readily available.) Teenagers drift from one thing to another in an effort to find themselves. @evenuncovered doesn't.

By the way, I don't think anyone should harbor any illusions about turning Eve into a pulla-baking harmless girl next door type. I don't believe that would be conducive to anybody's sanity.

I am pretty sure I said somewhere myself that I'm living my long lost teenage years
now, and it was probably in a comment to @celcius100. Otherwise, you are not too far off the mark, I am quite well aware of what I want to do and what I am doing, though I am not sure where it all will lead me.

Funny you mention pulla, when I was little, I baked my first pullataikina at the age of 4, and did it very often when I was a child. So now I hate baking it!

I am pretty sure I said somewhere myself that I'm living my long lost teenage years now, and it was probably in a comment to @celcius100. Otherwise, you are not too far off the mark, I am quite well aware of what I want to do and what I am doing, though I am not sure where it all will lead me.

I see. Sorry @celcius100. If his words were based on yours, the he was in a way correct.

Anyway, what teenagers often do is rebel or act irresponsibly as part of a process to create a separate adult identity for themselves. It seems that you did this because the opportunity presented itself to make a living out of your photography hobby and your modeling aspirations. You've also written that you have suffered some kind of skin problems in your hands as a result of your work as a chef. From your own description, I gather that you also prepared like a champ: paid off all debt and even stacked up canned food in preparation for a bear market. You also wrote that you have a crypto portfolio. Also, 6000 SP is respectable amout. That makes you a small dolphin.

I don't appreciate you making assumptions about my comment. You don't have any idea what I was referring to. I also did not know you were the expert on her life experiences. If you want to act like you are the fountain of @eveuncovered truth, I would appreciate it if you would do it without attaching it to my comment.

Lifestyle choices (based on what she has written here), not life experiences. That was my wording. Please respond to what I've actually written.

Based on what she's written here, she really seems to live the kind of life that suits her. But maybe I shouldn't have written the last paragraph as it probably sounded like it assumed too much about your comment. The purpose of "by the way" was to communicate that I wasn't referring to you. I failed at that.

Her teenage years a little later than some? Like.. drinking outdoors and passing out after drinking some super sweet liquor?

First time I got drunk was with peach vodka, never ever ever drinking that shit again.

Out of pure curiosity, did you ever throw up the peach vodka?

Usually that's the typical point after which you never drink something again.

I sure did. But I have also thrown up after numerous other drink, yet continue to drink them.

No better reason could be found! Just you doing you, because it feels good. Boom 💥

Don’t stop ✊🏽❤️

I salute you! I am genuinely happy that there are people like you who have escaped the grind and are doing what they really want. I'm sure it can be a bumpy ride at times as the horrible bear market we're in exemplifies. Enjoy your work and prosper!

Thank you so much for the kind words and support! It sure is a bumpy ride but if I'm completely honest, I quite like the road that has more turn and up and down, rather than the straight highway.

The way you embrace your niche, especially on this platform, has been a huge inspiration to me. My faith feels well placed when I hear you voice your convictions like that. You’re not the only one who knows where they’re headed.

Thanks you so much darling! I see what you do and I think you have been progressing a lot in the time I have followed you, keep doing you!

I'm avoiding all the pimpett's out there :)

Yet you showed your nipples when I asked you to 😝😈 muahahha!

Ouch! I don’t mind, now pay me 😂

You don’t have to justify your actions to a bunch of stranger followers. . Do you, be you. . Keep at it! . . And BTW, moooore boobs!! ! 😎

I don't, but I like speaking my mind, AND making a few bucks while I'm at it ;)

Oh, you are one of those weirdos...

I have never understood people on this....

If it bothers people SO MUCH, why can't they simply move on?
I mena, why spend so much time and energy being burt or cranky or bent out of shape over what someone else does?

How can this possible affect their life so much that they feel the need to complain?


Well, I can kinda understand in a way that idiots get me riled up too, but I don't waste my precious time on arguing with them. It's so easy to just got o another page on the internet if the previous one was bothering somehow.

I'm quite sure that's the magical gnomes which are making you say that.

Just think about it.

If magical gnomes would force you to do topless photography, would they admit it? Of course not.

If the gnomes made me do this, maybe I wouldn't even know, they sure have magical mind control powers!

"I actually know that guys like the more innocent girl next door type."
insert some bs claim like "I only like you for your personality".

At first I only wanted to joke like that. But this could be an interesting topic. You are quite wild. I believe that you are not faking it, not just playing it as a role. But I think that you are not as wild as you want others to believe. Or even as you believe(or want to admit) yourself. You do have a bit of that innocent girl in you as well. You smirk when I say that I like your hair. You jump into waterfall like a silly goose that you are. You laugh at my Paint "masterpieces". These things would not be entertaining to you if you would not have a childish side. Perhaps that innocent little Eve doesn't show up as often as tough wild Eve. But it definitely is part of who you are.

You are right about me having an innocent side too, and all other kinds of sides as well! My "wild side" works best for this platform and here it can roam free and do as she pleases. Sometimes the other sides pop up to say hi, but they have their own places to be most of the time.

People who make judgemental comments like that are always reacting from their own insecurities.

Just shine on and keep being the goddess that you are! ♥️

People judge, we all do it, but sometimes it would be better to keep the judgement as your own opinion and not voice it out. I don't think it's just peoples insecurities, but also jealousy and not understanding that people can have different outlooks and interests in life, none better than the other, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone.

I agree. Just do you and stay happy. On another note, i want to take this moment to send our heart and prayers to all the families of those who lost their lives in the bridge that collapsed in Italy, may you find the grace to overcome this trial.


You do you! I get the same sort of satisfaction writing about all kinds of sexy-sexual things. I think it is amazingly healthy for us to find what makes us happy. You are beautiful and your passion for what you do shines through!

Thank you for the encouragements! I don't read erotica, I only do it myself while sexting 😝 but great that you like it and have a platform to share it all!

you certainly need a guy

Shes not needy, she does that because she like it. Also she is pretty cute and sexy, she can get a guy if she wants to.

funny you speak for others.

I usually dont do that, people that get offended for others pisses me off, especially when the person itself is not offended. But her whole post was talking about that she does that for her.

right you say, right. but people are not simple and doublemindedness is in all time high nowadays... so its only natural for someone to be doubtful on what others are doing and why they do that. cheers.

How in the world can creating art like she does, give you the idea that she needs anything?
Let alone a guy?

It turns out, women can and most certainly do, find their way in life just fine without a guy.

All we need is some sperm! 😂

technically not even need that.
you can choose it, but, there are ways around it, genetically!!!

Tom you certainly need a guy. You interested? ;)

I can vouch for you being a good guy!

I don't need a guy. I can reach the top shelf with the help of a chair, I know how to change tires, yet don't own a car and I can open the jam jar all by myself. And I don't need the sperm because I'm not ready to make babies.

Do you, and love what you do, you are great! I just started following you, and you make a difference in my life. So keep at it, you are unique; beautiful, smart, and a goddess. Cheers 🥂

Honestly, this was beautifully and very boldly written for good
It's about time most of us understand and get this through our head
And the first two lines couldn't have been better , loved how you started it with daddy issues
It made me carry on reading the whole blog , although there are a lot of comments trying to troll and you and being negative , there are better and people who are loving the way you showed your thought
Must say
Very impressive and quite great!!

Appreciate you to like your own beauties

I share these beautiful sentences from haileyscomet:
Women have long suffered for the attention of suitors, from tight corsets, high heels, make up, shaving to eating disorders, our gender has been molded into being appealing to men at our own expense. We have forgotten about natural beauty, you don't have to work yourself to the point of pain to be attractive.

I completely disagree with that whole sentence.

I suggest you to see her page, I mentioned her accountname in last message.

sorry, the innocent next-door type sucks... :D

You belong in the kitchen.

I wonder how many will be offended by this. I guess it's good to know what your thighs say, lol.