It seems nothing can happen in life any longer without selfies and photos to document the occurrence. Talk about living in the past and running away from your present, talk about living un-mindfully.
People don't know how to have an experience anymore without re-gurgitating it through a photo (selfie) and the result is what we are experiencing...a photo of their dinner and an art work seems to have the same value.
It is the desire to be a star...the whole hollywood brainwashing we are privy to constantly...when we take selfies we are all stars. This kind of mentality has also killed our need for true heroes and scholars and artists, why do we need them if we can be our own stars with our IPhones.
The value of art has been greatly diminished in our contemporary society, because the discrimination eye is gone due to the visual glut of photos circulating everywhere in this world and the virtual one.
A camera is always on hand, so easy to use, that even children are learning to see and learn about the world through it. The learning that takes place however is cold, detached, without human contact and any value judgements, as well as extremely self-cententered and narcissistic, without the human exchange and feedback, you are always the centre of the universe in each photo you take.
It will be interesting to see what happens to these children as adults. Will they be searching for fulfillment in life through making better photos and misleading themselves into thinking they are artists, when in fact they are simply avoiding living with others in the real world.
As a result the whole field known as professional visual arts is slowly disappearing. And the reason is not only the advancement of the digital medias, but the easy accessibility and lack of training needed to to use them.
That is why no Picasso's or Andy Warhol's are emerging in the art world, only the Jeff Koon's titillating with their plastic piggies and their wings...
BTW, what was great about Andy Warhol, was the fact that he pointed out what a stupid, consumer-oriented, superficial hollywood-worshipping society we are, and NOT his actually images. And of course artists, like Koons just jumped on reproducing his images and look alikes, and missing his whole point...without thought.
The IPhone has killed life as we know it and Visual Arts....
Not only in art and in living, the kids rignt now dont know how to live , they dont play hide and seek, dont play any game with ball, they are constantly on there mobiles, i pads, PCs, playing virtual games, making selfies,chating with theirs friend who lives only 100 m from them , when they just need to go out and have fun
Yes, I totally agree...
I feel the same way about social networking and have refused to use the vast majority of social networking applications. It has much more to do with personal safety for me . I would think that people would be more discriminating and not want to share every little detail of their lives with millions of strangers...
It is the desire to be a star...the whole hollywood brainwashing we are privy to constantly...
Yeah yeah yeah : Curmodgeonry ...Agreed to an extent. It is all simply the new roadblocks which the young can succumb to or overcome. There are plenty of ways to escape. We always have choice. BTW, I have been an artist my entire life ( a long one so far ) and nothing can ruin authentic creativity. AS an artist you get to reinvent Everything: including the way your art is seen and distributed. The art world kinda sucks? Agreed . Great opportunity.
I like your optimism even if I disagree...